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Treatment of Family Assets (Exhibit 6-3) <br />• Earned Income Disallowance for Persons with Disabilities (Exhibit 6-4) <br />• The Effect of Welfare Benefit Reduction (Exhibit 6-5) <br />Sections 6-I.B and 6-I.C discuss general requirements and methods for calculating annual <br />income. The rest of this section describes how each source of income is treated for the purposes <br />of determining annual income. HUD regulations present income inclusions and exclusions <br />separately [24 CFR 5.609(b) and 24 CFR 5.609(c)] . In this plan, however, the discussions of <br />income inclusions and exclusions are integrated by topic (e.g., all policies affecting earned <br />income are discussed together in section 6-I.D). Verification requirements for annual income are <br />discussed in Chapter 7. <br />6-I.B. HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION AND INCOME <br />Income received by all family members must be counted unless specifically excluded by the <br />regulations. It is the responsibility of the head of household to report changes in family <br />composition. The rules on which sources of income are counted vary somewhat by family <br />member. The chart below summarizes how family composition affects income determinations. <br />Summary of Income Included and Excluded by Person <br />Live-in aides Income from all sources is excluded [24 CFR 5.609(c)(5)]. <br />Foster child or foster adult Income from all sources is excluded [24 CFR 5.609(c)(2)]. <br />Head, spouse, or co-head All sources of income not specifically excluded by the <br />Other adult family members regulations are included. <br />Children under 18 years of age Employment income is excluded [24 CFR 5.609(c)(1)] . <br /> All other sources of income, except those specifically <br /> excluded by the regulations, are included. <br />Full-time students 18 years of Employment income above $480/year is excluded [24 CFR <br />age or older (not head, spouse, 5.609(c)(11)] . <br />or co-head) All other sources of income exce t those s ecificall <br />p p y <br /> excluded by the regulations, are included. <br />Temporarily Absent Family Members <br />The income of family members approved to live in the unit will be counted, even if the family <br />member is temporarily absent from the unit [HCV GB, p. 5-18] . <br />2/25/13 Page 6-2 <br />