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PHS's are required to use HUD's Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) system in its entirety <br />as a third party source to verify employment and income information, and to reduce <br />administrative subsidy payments errors in accordance with HUD administrative guidance [24 <br />CFR 5.23 3 (a)(2)] . <br />HUD allows PHAs to use pay-stubs to project income once EIV data has been received in <br />such cases where the family does not dispute the EIV employer data and where the PHA does <br />not determine it is necessary to obtain additional third-party data. <br />When EIV is obtained and the family does not dispute the EIV employer data, SARA will <br />use current tenant-provided documents to project annual income. When the tenant-provided <br />documents are pay stubs, SARA will make every effort to obtain current and consecutive pay <br />stubs dated within the last 60 days. <br />SARA will obtain written and/or oral third-party verification in accordance with the <br />verification requirements and policy in Chapter 7 in the following cases: <br />If EIV or other UIV data is not available, <br />If the family disputes the accuracy of the EIV employer data, and/or <br />If the PHA determines additional information is need. <br />In such cases, SARA will review and analyze current data to anticipate annual income. In all <br />cases, the family file will be documented with a clear record of the reason for the decision, <br />and a clear audit trail will be left as to how the PHA annualized projected income. <br />When SARA cannot readily anticipate income based upon current circumstances (e.g., in the <br />case of seasonal employment, unstable working hours, or suspected fraud), SARA will <br />review and analyze historical data for patterns of employment, paid benefits, and receipt of <br />others income and use the results of this analysis to establish annual income. <br />Known Changes in Income <br />If SARA verifies an upcoming increase or decrease in income, annual income will be <br />calculated by applying each income amount to the appropriate part of the 12-month period. <br />Example: An employer reports that afull-time employee who has been receiving $6/hour <br />will begin to receive $6.25/hour in the eighth week after the effective date of the <br />reexamination. In such a case SARA would calculate annual income as follows: ($6/hour X <br />40 hours X 7 weeks) + ($6.25 X 40 hours X 45 weeks). <br />The family may present information that demonstrates that implementing a change before its <br />effective date would create a hardship for the family. In such cases SARA will calculate <br />annual income using current circumstances and then require an interim reexamination when <br />the change actually occurs. This requirement will be imposed even if SAHA's policy in <br />Chapter 11 does not require interim reexaminations for other types of changes. <br />2/25/13 Page 6-5 <br />