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SARA will make the determination based on available documents such as court orders, or an IRS <br />return showing which family has claimed the child for income tax purposes. <br />Caretakers for a Child <br />If neither a parent nor a designated guardian remains in a household receiving HCV assistance, <br />SARA will take the following actions. <br />(1) If a responsible agency has determined that another adult is to be brought into the assisted <br />unit to care for a child for an indefinite period, the designated caretaker will not be <br />considered a family member until a determination of custody or legal guardianship is made. <br />(2) If a caretaker has assumed responsibility for a child without the involvement of a responsible <br />agency or formal assignment of custody or legal guardianship, the caretaker will be treated as <br />a visitor for 90 days. After the 90 days has elapsed, the caretaker will be considered a family <br />member unless information is provided that would confirm that the caretaker's role is <br />temporary. In such cases SARA will extend the caretaker's status as an eligible visitor. <br />(3) At any time that custody or guardianship legally has been awarded to a caretaker, the housing <br />choice voucher will be transferred to the caretaker, if said caretaker is income-eligible for the <br />program. <br />(4) During any period that a caretaker is considered a visitor, the income of the caretaker is not <br />counted in annual income and the caretaker does not qualify the family for any deductions <br />rom income. <br />6-I.C. ANTICIPATING ANNUAL INCOME <br />SAHA is required to count all income "anticipated to be received from a source outside the <br />family during the 12-month period following admission or annual reexamination effective date" <br />[24 CFR 5.609(a)(2)] .Policies related to anticipating annual income are provided below. <br />Basis of Annual Income Projection <br />SAHA generally will use current circumstances to determine anticipated income for the coming <br />12-month period. HUD authorizes SARA to use other than current circumstances to anticipate <br />income w en: <br />An imminent change in circumstances is expected [HCV GB, p. 5-17] <br />• It is not feasible to anticipate a level of income over a 12-month period (e.g., seasonal or <br />cyclic income) [24 CFR 5.609(4)] <br />SAHA believes that past income is the best available indicator of expected future income [24 <br />CFR 5.609(4)] <br />2/25/13 Page 6-4 <br />