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5.609(c)(11)] . To be considered "full-time," a student must be considered "full-time" by an <br />educational institution with a degree or certificate program [HCV GB, p. 5 -29] . <br />Income of alive-in Aide. Income earned by alive-in aide, as defined in [24 CFR 5.403], is not <br />included in annual income [24 CFR 5.609(c)(5)]. (See Eligibility chapter for a full discussion of <br />live-in aides.) <br />Income Earned under Certain Federal Programs. Income from some federal programs is <br />specifically excluded from consideration as income [24 CFR 5.609(c)(17)], including: <br />• Payments to volunteers under the Domestic Volunteer Services Act of 1973 (42 U.S.C. <br />5044(g), 5058) <br />• Payments received under programs funded in whole or in part under the Job Training <br />Partnership Act (29 U.S.C.1552(b)) <br />• Awards under the federal work-study program (20 U.S.C.1087 uu) <br />• Payments received from programs funded under Title V of the Older Americans Act of 1985 <br />(42 U.S.C. 30560) <br />• Allowances, earnings, and payments to AmeriCorps participants under the National and <br />Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C.12637(d)) <br />• Allowances, earnings, and payments to participants in programs funded under the Workforce <br />Investment Act of 1998 (29 U.S.C. 2931) <br />Resident Service Stipend. Amounts received under a resident service stipend are not included in <br />annual income. A resident service stipend is a modest amount (not to exceed $200 per individual <br />per month) received by a resident for performing a service for SARA or owner, on a part-time <br />basis, that enhances the quality of life in the development. Such services may include, but are not <br />limited to, fire patrol, hall monitoring, lawn maintenance, resident initiatives coordination, and <br />serving as a member (tenant commissioner) of SAHA's governing board. No resident may <br />receive more than one such stipend during the same period of time [24 CFR 5.600(c)(8)(iv)]. <br />State and Local Employment Training Programs. Incremental earnings and benefits to any <br />family member resulting from participation in qualifying state or local employment training <br />programs (including training programs not affiliated with a local government) and training of a <br />family member as resident management staff are excluded from annual income. Amounts <br />excluded by this provision must be received under employment training programs with clearly <br />defined goals and obj ectives and are excluded only for the period during which the family <br />member participates in the training program [24 CFR 5.609(c)(8)(v)] . <br />SARA defines training program as "a learning process with goals and objectives, generally <br />having a variety of components, and taking place in a series of sessions over a period to time. It <br />is designed to lead to a higher level of proficiency, and it enhances the individual's ability to <br />obtain employment. It may have performance standards to measure proficiency. Training may <br />include, but is not limited to: (1) classroom training in a specific occupational skill, (2) on-the- <br />job training with wages subsidized by the program, or (3) basic education" [expired Notice PIH <br />98-2, p. 3]. <br />SARA defines incremental earnings and benefits as the difference between (1) the total amount <br />of welfare assistance and earnings of a family member prior to enrollment in a training program <br />2~25~13 Page 6-7 <br />