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6-I.I. PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF EARNINGS <br />Payments in lieu of earnings, such as unemployment and disability compensation, worker's <br />compensation, and severance pay, are counted as income [24 CFR 5.609(b)(5)] if they are <br />received either in the form of periodic payments or in the form of alump-sum amount or <br />prospective monthly amounts for the delayed start of a periodic payment. If they are received in <br />a one-time lump sum (as a settlement, for instance), they are treated as lump-sum receipts [24 <br />CFR 5.609(c)(3)]. (See also the discussion of periodic payments in section 6-I.H and the <br />discussion oflump-sum receipts in section 6-I.G.) <br />6-I.J. WELFARE ASSISTANCE SANCTIONS <br />Overview <br />Welfare assistance is counted in annual income. Welfare assistance includes Temporary <br />Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), called CaIWORKS in the state of California, and any <br />payments to individuals or families based on need that are made under programs funded <br />separately or j ointly by federal, state, or local governments [24 CFR 5.603 (b)] . <br />Sanctions Resulting in the Reduction of Welfare Benefits [24 CFR 5.615] <br />SARA must make a special calculation of annual income when the welfare agency imposes <br />certain sanctions on certain families. The full text of the regulation at 24 CFR 5.615 is provided <br />as Exhibit 6-5. The requirements are summarized below. This rule applies only if a family was <br />receiving HCV assistance at the time the sanction was imposed. <br />Covered Families <br />The families covered by 24 CFR 5.615 are those "who receive welfare assistance or other public <br />assistance benefits (`welfare benefits') from a State or other public agency ('welfare agency') <br />under a program for which Federal, State or local law requires that a member of the family must <br />participate in an economic self sufficiency program as a condition for such assistance" [24 CFR <br />5.615(b)] <br />Imputed Income <br />When a welfare agency imposes a sanction that reduces a family's welfare income because the <br />family commits fraud or fails to comply with the agency's economic self sufficiency program or <br />work activities requirement, SARA must include in annual income "imputed" welfare income. <br />SARA must request that the welfare agency inform SARA when the benefits of an HCV <br />participant family are reduced. The imputed income is the amount the family would have <br />received if the family had not been sanctioned. <br />This requirement does not apply to reductions in welfare benefits: (1) at the expiration of the <br />lifetime or other time limit on the payment of welfare benefits, (2) if a family member is unable <br />to find employment even though the family member has complied with the welfare agency <br />economic self sufficiency or work activities requirements, or (3) because a family member has <br />not complied with other welfare agency requirements [24 CFR 5.615(b)(2)]. <br />Offsets <br />2/25/13 Page 6-18 <br />