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The amount of the imputed income is offset by the amount of additional income the family <br />begins to receive after the sanction is imposed. When the additional income equals or exceeds <br />the imputed welfare income, the imputed income is reduced to zero [24 CFR 5.615(c)(4)]. <br />6-I.K. PERIODIC AND DETERMINABLE ALLOWANCES [24 CFR 5.609(b)(7)] <br />Annual income includes periodic and determinable allowances, such as alimony and child <br />support payments, and regular contributions or gifts received from organizations or from persons <br />not residing with an assisted family. <br />Alimony and Child Support <br />SARA will count court-awarded amounts for alimony and child support unless SAHA verifies <br />that (1) the payments are not being made and (2) the family has made reasonable efforts to <br />collect amounts due, including filing with courts or agencies responsible for enforcing payments <br />[HCV GB, pp. 5-23 and 5-47]. <br />Generally, families are to seek all available income, including child support, as their <br />circumstances warrant. Participants are encouraged, but not required, to pursue independent <br />legal action if they are due, but are not currently receiving, child support. <br />Regular Contributions or Gifts <br />SAHA must count as income regular monetary and nonmonetary contributions or gifts from <br />persons not residing with an assisted family [24 CFR 5.609(b)(7)]. Temporary, nonrecurring, or <br />sporadic income and gifts are not counted [24 CFR 5.609(c)(9)]. <br />Examples of regular contributions include: (1) regular payment of a family's bills (e.g., utilities, <br />telephone, rent, credit cards, and car payments), (2) cash or other liquid assets provided to any <br />family member on a regular basis, and (3) "in-kind" contributions such as groceries and clothing <br />provided to a family on a regular basis. <br />Nonmonetary contributions will be valued at the cost of purchasing the items, as determined by <br />SARA. For contributions that may vary from month to month (e.g., utility payments), SARA <br />will include an average amount based upon past history. <br />6-I.L. STUDENT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE [24 CFR 5.609(b) (9)] <br />In 200, Congress passed a law (for section 8 programs only) requiring that certain student <br />financial assistance be included in annual income. Prior to that, the full amount of student <br />financial assistance was excluded. For some students, the full exclusion still applies. <br />Student Financial Assistance Included in Annual Income [24 CFR 5.609(b)(9) and FR <br />4/10/06] <br />The regulation requiring the inclusion of certain student financial assistance applies only to <br />students who satisfy all of the following conditions: <br />They are enrolled in an institution of higher education, as defined under the Higher <br />Education Act (HEA) of 1965. <br />They are seeking or receiving Section 8 assistance on their own-that is, apart from their <br />parents-through the HCV program, the project-based certificate program, the project-based <br />voucher program, or the moderate rehabilitation program. <br />They are between the ages of 18-23. <br />2/25/13 Page 6-19 <br />