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Income discrepancies maybe identified through use of the EIV "Income Discrepancy Report" or <br />by review of the discrepancy tab for the individual family. <br />SARA will generate the Income Discrepancy Report for each annual reexamination of family <br />income and composition. SARA will review the EIV discrepancy report during processing of <br />the annual and interim re-examinations. <br />When it appears that a family may have concealed orunder-reported income, SARA will request <br />written third-party verification of the income in question. <br />When the PHA determines that a participant appearing on the Income Discrepancy Report has <br />not concealed orunder-reported income, the participant's name will be placed on a list of "false <br />positive" reviews. To avoid multiple reviews in this situation, participants appearing on this list <br />will be eliminated from discrepancy processing until a subsequent interim or annual <br />reexamination has been completed. <br />The PHA will review the EIV discrepancy tab during processing of annual and interim <br />reexaminations. <br />When SARA has determined through income reports and third-party verification that a family <br />has concealed orunder-reported income, corrective action will betaken pursuant to the policies <br />in Chapter 14, Program Integrity. <br />EIV Identity Verification <br />The EIV system verifies tenant identities against SSA records. These records are compared to <br />PIC data for a match on social security number, name, and date of birth. <br />SAHA is required to use EIV's Identity Verification Report on a monthly basis to improve the <br />availability of income information in EIV [Notice PIH 2010-3 ] . <br />When identity verification for a participant fails, a message will be displayed within the EIV <br />system and no income information will be displayed. <br />The PHA will identify participants whose identity verifications has failed by reviewing EIV's <br />Identity Verification Report on a monthly basis. <br />SARA will attempt to resolve PIC/SSA discrepancies by obtaining appropriate documentation <br />from the participant. When SARA determines that discrepancies exist due to SARA errors such <br />as spelling errors or incorrect birth dates, the errors will be corrected promptly. <br />Up-front Income Verification using Non-HUD Systems (Optional) <br />SARA will inform all applicants and participants of its use of the following UIV resources <br />during the admission and reexamination process: <br />HUD's EIV system <br />~~02~12 Page 7-5 <br />