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In addition to mandatory use of the EIV system, SARA will also utilize other up-front <br />verification sources, such as The Work Number (an automated verification system) and state <br />government databases, to validate tenant-reported income. <br />7-I.D. THIRD-PARTY WRITTEN AND ORAL VERIFICATION <br />Reasonable Effort and Timing <br />HUD's current verification hierarchy defines two types of written third-party verification. The <br />more preferable form, "written third-party verification," consists of an original document <br />generated by athird-party source, which may be received directly from athird-party source or <br />provided to SARA by the family. If written third-party verification is not available, SARA will <br />diligently seek third-party verification using a "written third-party verification form." This is a <br />standardized form used to collect information from a third party. <br />Written Third-Party Verification [Notice PIH 2010-19] <br />Written third-party verification documents must be original and authentic and maybe supplied <br />by the family or received from athird-party source. <br />Examples of acceptable tenant-provided documents include, but are not limited to: pay stubs, <br />payroll summary reports, employer notice or letters of hire and termination, SSA benefit <br />verification letters, bank statements, child support payment stubs, welfare benefit letters and/or <br />printouts, and unemployment monetary benefits notices. <br />SARA is required to obtain, at minimum, two current and consecutive paystubs for determining <br />annua income rom wages. <br />SARA may reject documentation provided by the family if the document is not an original, if the <br />document appears to be forged, or if the document is altered, mutilated, or illegible. <br />If SARA determines that third-party documents provided by the family are not acceptable, <br />SARA will explain the reason to the family and request additional documentation. <br />As verification of earned income, SARA will request pay stubs covering the 60-day period prior <br />to the date of SAHA's request. <br />Written Third-Party Verification Form <br />When up-front verification is not available and the family is unable to provide written third-party <br />documents, SARA will request a written third-party verification form. HUD's position is that <br />this traditional third-party verification method presents administrative burdens and risks which <br />may be reduced through the use offamily-provided third-party documents. <br />~~02~12 Page 7-6 <br />