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A written third-party verification form is mandatory when there is an unreported source of <br />income or a substantial difference in reported income ($2400 annually or more) and there is no <br />UIV ortenant-provided documentation to support the income discrepancy. <br />SARA may mail, fax, e-mail third-party written verification requests and will accept third-party <br />responses using any of these methods. SARA will send a written request for verification to each <br />required source within 5 business days of securing a family's authorization for the release of the <br />information and give the source 10 business days to respond in writing. If a response has not <br />been received by the 11 th business day, SARA may send a second request, or will request third- <br />partyoral verification. <br />Oral Third-Party Verification [Notice PIH 2010-19] <br />For third-party oral verification, SARA will contact sources, identified by UIV techniques or by <br />the family, by telephone or in person. <br />Oral third-party verification is mandatory if neither form of written third-party verification is <br />available. <br />Information received orally from third parties maybe used either to clarify information provided <br />in writing by the third party or as independent verification when written third-party verification <br />is not received in a timely fashion. <br />SARA staff will document in the file the date and time of the telephone call or visit, the name of <br />the person contacted, the telephone number, as well as the information/facts provided. <br />When any source responds verbally to the initial written request for verification, SARA staff will <br />accept the verbal response as oral verification but will also request that the source complete and <br />return any verification forms that were provided. <br />If a third party agrees to confirm in writing the information provided orally, SARA will wait no <br />more than 5 business days for the information to be provided. If the information is not provided <br />by the 6th business day, SARA will use any information provided orally in combination with <br />other sources information received. <br />When Third-Party Verification is Not Required [Notice PIH 2010-19] <br />Third-party verification may not be available in all situations. HUD has acknowledged that it <br />may not be cost-effective or reasonable to obtain third-party verification of income, assets, or <br />expenses when these items would have a minimal impact on the family's total tenant payment. <br />SARA will determine that third-party verification is not available if the asset or expense involves <br />an insignificant amount, making it not cost-effective or reasonable to obtain third-party <br />verification [VG, p. l5]. <br />If the family cannot provide original documents, SARA will pay the service charge required to <br />obtain third-party verification, unless it is not cost effective in which case a self certification will <br />be acceptable as the only means of verification. SARA also will determine that third-party <br />~~02~12 Page 7-7 <br />