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SARA will instruct the family to obtain a duplicate card from the local Social Security <br />Administration (SSA) office. <br />SARA will explain to the applicant or participant the reasons the document is not acceptable and <br />request that the individual obtain and submit acceptable documentation of the SSN to SARA <br />within 90 days. <br />SARA will grant one additional 90-days extension if needed for reasons beyond the participant's <br />control such as delayed processing of the SSN application by the SSA, natural disaster, fire, <br />death in the family, or other emergency. If the individual fails to comply with S SN disclosure <br />and documentation requirements upon expiration of the provided time period, SARA will <br />terminate the individual's assistance. <br />In the case of Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) individuals, the required <br />documentation must be provided within 90 calendar days from the date of admission into the <br />program. SARA will grant one additional 90-day extension if staff determines that the <br />applicant's failure to comply was due to circumstances that were beyond the applicant's control <br />and could not have been reasonably foreseen. <br />Social security numbers must be verified only once during continuously-assisted occupancy. <br />The social security numbers of household members, such as live-in aids, must be verified for the <br />purpose of conducting criminal background checks. <br />When the participant requests to add a new household member who is at least 6 years of age, or <br />who is under the age of 6 and has an SSN, the participant must provide the complete and <br />accurate SSN assigned to each new member at the time of re-examination or recertification or <br />interim re-examination, in addition to the documentation required to verify it. SARA will not <br />add the new household member until such documentation is provided. <br />When a participant requests to add a new household member who is under the age of 6 and has <br />not been assigned an SSN, the participant must provide the SSN assigned to each new child and <br />the required documentation within 90 calendar days of the child being added to the household. <br />A 90-day extension will be granted if the SARA staff determines that the participant's failure to <br />comply was due to unforeseen circumstances and was outside of the participant's control (such <br />as delayed processing of the SSN application by the SSA, natural disaster, fire, death in the <br />family, or other emergency). During the period SARA is awaiting documentation of the SSN, <br />the child will be counted as part of the assisted household. <br />Documentation provided must in the acceptable form as stated above and the SARA staff will <br />verify the social security number for each new household member only once during <br />continuously-assisted occupancy. <br />7-II.C. DOCUMENTATION OF AGE <br />A birth certificate or other official record of birth is the preferred form of age verification for all <br />family members. For elderly family members an original document that provides evidence of the <br />receipt of social security retirement benefits is acceptable. <br />If an official record of birth or evidence of social security retirement benefits cannot be provided, <br />SARA will require the family to submit other documents that support the reported age of the <br />~~02~12 Page 7-10 <br />