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family member (e.g., school records, driver's license if birth year is recorded) and to provide a <br />self certification. <br />Age must be verified only once during continuously-assisted occupancy. <br />7-II.D. FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS <br />Applicants and program participants are required to identify the relationship of each household <br />member to the head of household. Definitions of the primary household relationships are <br />provided in the Eligibility chapter. <br />Family relationships are verified only to the extent necessary to determine a family's eligibility <br />and level of assistance. Certification by the head of household normally is sufficient verification <br />of family relationships. <br />Marriage <br />A marriage certificate generally is required to verify that a couple is married. <br />In the case of a common law marriage, the couple must demonstrate that they hold themselves to <br />be married (e.g., by telling the community they are married, calling each other husband and wife, <br />using the same last name, filing j Dint income tax returns). <br />Certification by the head of household is normally sufficient verification. If SARA has <br />reasonable doubts about a marital relationship, SARA will require the family to document the <br />marriage. <br />Separation or Divorce <br />A certified copy of a divorce decree, signed by a court officer, is required to document that a <br />couple is divorced. <br />Acopy of acourt-ordered maintenance or other court record is required to document a <br />separation. <br />If no court document is available, documentation from acommunity-based agency will be <br />accepted. <br />Certification by the head of household is normally sufficient verification. If SARA has <br />reasonable doubts about a separation or divorce, SARA will require the family to document the <br />divorce, or separation. <br />Absence of Adult Member <br />If an adult member who was formerly a member of the household is reported to be permanently <br />absent, the family must provide evidence to support that the person is no longer a member of the <br />family (e.g., documentation of another address at which the person resides such as a lease or <br />utility bill). <br />Foster Children and Foster Adults <br />Third-party verification from the state or local government agency responsible for the placement <br />of the individual with the family is required. <br />~~02~12 Page 7-11 <br />