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7-IV.D. CHILD CARE EXPENSES <br />Policies related to child care expenses are found in Chapter 6 (6-II.F). The amount of the <br />deduction will be verified following the standard verification procedures described in Part I of <br />this chapter. In addition, SARA must verify that: <br />• The child is eligible for care. <br />• The costs claimed are not reimbursed. <br />• The costs enable a family member to pursue an eligible activity. <br />• The costs are for an allowable type of child care. <br />• The costs are reasonable. <br />Eligible Child <br />To be eligible for the child care deduction, the costs must be incurred for the care of a child <br />under the age of 13. SARA will verify that the child being cared for (including foster children) is <br />under the age of 13 (See 7-II.C.). <br />Unreimbursed Expense <br />To be eligible for the child care deduction, the costs must not be reimbursed by another source. <br />The child care provider will be asked to certify that, to the best of the provider's knowledge, the <br />child care expenses are not paid by or reimbursed to the family from any source. <br />The family will be required to certify that the child care expenses are not paid by or reimbursed <br />to the family from any source. <br />Pursuing an Eligible Activity <br />SARA must verify that the family member(s) that the family has identified as being enabled to <br />seek work, pursue education, or be gainfully employed, are actually pursuing those activities. <br />Information to be Gathered <br />SARA will verify information about how the schedule for the claimed activity relates to <br />the hours of care provided, the time required for transportation, the time required for <br />study (for students), the relationship of the family member(s) to the child, and any special <br />needs of the child that might help determine which family member is enabled to pursue <br />an eligible activity. <br />Seeking Work <br />Whenever possible SARA will use documentation from a state or local agency that <br />monitors work-related requirements (e.g., welfare or unemployment). In such cases <br />SARA will request family-provided verification from the agency of the member's j ob <br />seeking efforts to date and require the family to submit to SARA any reports provided to <br />the other agency. <br />~~02~12 Page 7-24 <br />