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In the event third-party verification is not available, SARA will provide the family with a <br />form on which the family member must record j ob search efforts. SARA will review this <br />information at each subsequent reexamination for which this deduction is claimed. <br />Furthering Education <br />SARA will request third-party documentation to verify that the person permitted to <br />further his or her education by the child care is enrolled and provide information about <br />the timing of classes for which the person is registered. The documentation maybe <br />provided by the family. <br />Gainful Employment <br />SARA will seek third-party verification of the work schedule of the person who is <br />permitted to work by the child care. In cases in which two or more family members could <br />be permitted to work, the work schedules for all relevant family members maybe <br />verified. The documentation may be provided by the family. <br />Allowable Type of Child Care <br />The type of care to be provided is determined by the family, but must fall within certain <br />guidelines, as discussed in Chapter 6. <br />SARA will verify that the type of child care selected by the family is allowable, as described in <br />Chapter 6 (6-II.F). <br />SARA will verify that the fees paid to the child care provider cover only child care costs (e.g., no <br />housekeeping services or personal services) and are paid only for the care of an eligible child <br />(e.g., prorate costs if some of the care is provided for ineligible family members). <br />SARA will verify that the child care provider is not an assisted family member. Verification will <br />be made through the head of household's declaration of family members who are expected to <br />reside in the unit. <br />Reasonableness of Expenses <br />Only reasonable child care costs can be deducted. <br />The actual costs the family incurs will be compared with SAHA's established standards of <br />reasonableness for the type of care in the locality to ensure that the costs are reasonable. <br />If the family presents a justification for costs that exceed typical costs in the area, SARA will <br />request additional documentation, as required, to support a determination that the higher cost is <br />appropriate. <br />~~02~12 Page 7-25 <br />