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Reinspections <br />SARA will conduct a reinspection immediately following the end of the corrective period, or any <br />SARA approved extension. SARA may develop procedures for owner/tenant self certification <br />of repairs to unit. Falsifying this certification will result in termination of the HAP contract and <br />termination of assistance to the participant. <br />The family and owner will be given reasonable notice of the reinspection appointment. If the <br />deficiencies have not been corrected by the time of the reinspection, SARA will send a notice of <br />abatement to the owner, or in the case of family caused violations, a notice of termination to the <br />family, in accordance with SARA policies. If SARA is unable to gain entry to the unit in order to <br />conduct the scheduled reinspection, SARA will consider the family to have violated its <br />obligation to make the unit available for inspection. This may result in termination of the <br />family's assistance in accordance with Chapter 12. <br />B.II.G. ENFORCING OWNER COMPLIANCE <br />If the owner fails to maintain the dwelling unit in accordance with HQS, SARA must take <br />prompt and vigorous action to enforce the owner obligations. <br />HAP Abatement <br />If an owner fails to correct HQS deficiencies by the time specified by SARA, HUD requires <br />SARA to abate housing assistance payments no later than the 31 days from the initial inspection <br />date or specified correction period (including any approved extension) [24 CFR 985.3 (f)] . No <br />retroactive payments will be made to the owner for the period of time the rent was abated. Owner <br />rents are not abated as a result of HQS deficiencies that are the family's responsibility. <br />SARA will inspect abated units within 5 days of the owner's notification that the work has been <br />completed. Payment will resume effective on the day the unit passes inspection. <br />During any abatement period the family continues to be responsible for its share of the rent. The <br />owner must not seek payment from the family for abated amounts and may not use the abatement <br />as cause for eviction. <br />HAP Contract Termination <br />SARA must decide how long any abatement period will continue before the HAP contract will <br />be terminated. SARA should not terminate the contract until the family finds another unit, <br />provided the family does so in a reasonable time [HCV GB p.10-29] and must give the owner <br />reasonable notice of the termination. SARA will issue a voucher to permit the family to move to <br />another unit as described in Chapter 10. <br />The maximum length of time that a HAP maybe abated is 9o days. However, if the owner <br />completes corrections and notifies SARA before the termination date of the HAP contract, <br />SARA may rescind the termination notice if (1) the family still resides in the unit and wishes to <br />remain in the unit and (2) the unit passes inspection. If after 3 o days of abatement and owner has <br />not completed repairs, SARA will advise family to search for another unit. <br />Reasonable notice of HAP contract termination by SARA is 3 o days. <br />~~02~12 Page 8-12 <br />