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8.II.H. ENFORCING FAMILY COMPLIANCE WITH HQS [24 CFR 982.404(b)] <br />Families are responsible for correcting any HQS violations listed in paragraph B.I.D. If the <br />family fails to correct a violation within the period allowed by SARA (and any extensions), <br />SAHA will terminate the family's assistance, according to the policies described in Chapter 12. <br />If the owner carries out a repair for which the family is responsible under the lease, the owner <br />may bill the family for the cost of the repair. <br />PART III: RENT REASONABLENESS [24 CFR 982.507] <br />8-III.A. OVERVIEW <br />No HAP contract can be approved until SARA has determined that the rent for the unit is <br />reasonable. The purpose of the rent reasonableness test is to ensure that a fair rent is paid for <br />each unit rented under the HCV program. <br />HUD regulations define a reasonable rent as one that does not exceed the rent charged for <br />comparable, unassisted units in the same market area. HUD also requires that owners not charge <br />more for assisted units than for comparable units on the premises. This part explains the method <br />used to determine whether a unit's rent is reasonable. <br />8-III.B. WHEN RENT REASONABLENESS DETERMINATIONS ARE REQUIRED <br />Owner-initiated Rent Determinations <br />SARA must make a rent reasonableness determination at initial occupancy and whenever the <br />owner requests a rent adjustment. <br />SARA must determine whether the proposed rent is reasonable before a HAP Contract is signed. <br />SARA will negotiate the rent with the owner if needed. The owner must not change the rent <br />during the initial lease term. Subsequent requests for rent adjustments must be consistent with <br />the lease between the owner and the family. Rent increases will not be approved unless any <br />failed items identified by the most recent HQS inspection have been corrected. <br />After the initial occupancy period, the owner may request a rent adjustment in accordance with <br />the owner's lease. For rent increase requests after initial lease-up, SARA may request owners to <br />provide information about the rents charged for other units on the premises, if the premises <br />include more than 4 units. In evaluating the proposed rents in comparison to other units on the <br />premises SARA will consider unit size and length of tenancy in the other units. <br />SARA will determine whether the requested increase is reasonable within 14 days of receiving <br />the request from the owner. The owner will be notified of the determination in writing. <br />All rents adjustments will be effective the first of the month following 6o days after SAHA's <br />receipt of the owner's request or on the date specified by the owner, whichever is later. <br />~~02~12 Page 8-13 <br />