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The family is not liable and cannot be held responsible under the terms of the assisted dwelling <br />lease for any charges pursuant to a separate non-lease agreement between the owner and the <br />family. Non-payment of any charges pursuant to a separate non-lease agreement between the <br />owner and the family cannot be a cause for eviction or termination of tenancy under the terms of <br />the assisted dwelling lease. <br />Separate non-lease agreements that involve additional items, appliances or other services maybe <br />considered amenities offered by the owner and may be taken into consideration when <br />determining the reasonableness of the rent for the property. <br />SAHA Review of Lease <br />SARA will review the dwelling lease for compliance with all applicable requirements. <br />If the dwelling lease is incomplete or incorrect, SARA will notify the family and the owner of <br />the deficiencies. Missing and corrected lease information will only be accepted as hard copies, <br />in-person, by mail, or by fax. SARA will not accept missing and corrected information over the <br />phone <br />Because the initial leasing process istime-sensitive, SARA will attempt to communicate with the <br />owner and family by phone, fax, or email. SAHA will use mail when the parties can't be reached <br />by phone, fax, or email. <br />SAHA is permitted, but is not required, to review the lease to determine if the lease complies <br />with State and local law and is permitted to decline to approve the tenancy if SARA determines <br />that the lease does not comply with State or local law [24 CFR 982.308(c)] <br />9-I.F. TENANCY APPROVAL [24 CFR 982.305] <br />After receiving the family's Request for Tenancy Approval, with proposed dwelling lease, <br />SARA must promptly notify the family and owner whether the assisted tenancy is approved. <br />Prior to approving the assisted tenancy and execution of a HAP contract, SARA must ensure that <br />all required actions and determinations, discussed in Part I of this chapter have been completed. <br />These actions include ensuring that the unit is eligible; the unit has been inspected by SARA and <br />meets the Housing Quality Standards (HQS); the lease offered by the owner is approvable and <br />includes the required Tenancy Addendum; the rent to be charged by the owner for the unit must <br />is reasonable; where the family is initially leasing a unit and the gross rent of the unit exceeds the <br />applicable payment standard for the family, the share of rent to be paid by the family does not <br />exceed 40 percent of the family's monthly adjusted income [24 CFR 982.305(a)]; the owner is an <br />eligible owner, not disapproved by SARA, with no conflicts of interest [24 CFR 982.306]; the <br />family and the owner have executed the lease, including the Tenancy Addendum, and the lead- <br />basedpaint disclosure information [24 CFR 982.305(b)]. <br />SARA will complete its determination within 10 business days of receiving all required <br />information. <br />If the terms of the RTAlproposed lease are changed for any reason, including but not limited to <br />negotiation with SAHA, SARA will obtain corrected copies of the RTA and proposed lease, <br />signed by the family and the owner. <br />7102112 Page 9-7 <br />