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Corrections to the RTA/proposed lease will only be accepted as hard copies, in-person, by mail, <br />or by fax. SARA will not accept corrections over the phone. <br />If SARA determines that the tenancy cannot be approved for any reason, the owner and the <br />family will be notified by telephone or in writing and given the opportunity to address any <br />reasons for disapproval. SARA will instruct the owner and family of the steps that are necessary <br />to approve the tenancy. <br />Where the tenancy is not approvable because the unit is not approvable, the family must continue <br />to search for eligible housing within the timeframe of the issued voucher. <br />If the tenancy is not approvable due to rent affordability (including rent burden and rent <br />reasonableness), SARA will attempt to negotiate the rent with the owner. If a new, approvable <br />rent is negotiated, the tenancy will be approved. If the owner is not willing to negotiate an <br />approvable rent, the family must continue to search for eligible housing within the timeframe of <br />the issued voucher. <br />9-I.G. HAP CONTRACT EXECUTION [24 CFR 982.305] <br />The HAP contract is a written agreement between SARA and the owner of the dwelling unit <br />occupied by a housing choice voucher assisted family. Under the HAP contract, SARA agrees to <br />make housing assistance payments to the owner on behalf of a specific family occupying a <br />specific unit and obliges the owner to comply with all program requirements. <br />The HAP contract format is prescribed by HUD. <br />If SARA has given approval for the family to enter into a lease for the assisted tenancy, the <br />owner and SARA execute the HAP contract. <br />The term of the HAP contract must be the same as the term of the lease [24 CFR 982.451(a)(2)]. <br />SARA is permitted to execute a HAP contract even if the funding currently available does not <br />extend for the full term of the HAP contract. <br />SARA must make a best effort to ensure that the HAP contract is executed before the beginning <br />of the lease term. Regardless, the HAP contract must be executed no later than 60 calendar days <br />from the beginning of the lease term. <br />SARA may not pay any housing assistance payment to the owner until the HAP contract has <br />been executed. If the HAP contract is executed during the period of 60 calendar days from the <br />beginning of the lease term, SARA will pay housing assistance payments after execution of the <br />HAP contract (in accordance with the terms of the HAP contract), to cover the portion of the <br />lease term before execution of the HAP contract (a maximum of 60 days). <br />Any HAP contract executed after the 6o-day period is void, and SARA may not pay any housing <br />assistance payment to the owner. <br />The owner and the assisted family will execute the dwelling lease and the owner must provide a <br />copy to SARA. SARA will ensure that both the owner and the assisted family receive copies of <br />the dwelling lease. <br />The owner and SARA will execute the HAP contract. SARA will not execute the HAP contract <br />until the owner has submitted IRS form W-9. SARA will ensure that the owner receives a copy <br />of the executed HAP contract. <br />7/02/12 Page 9-8 <br />