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Initial Billing Deadline [Notice PIH 2011-3] <br />When the initial PHA sends form HUD-52665 to the receiving PHA, it specifies in Part I the <br />deadline by which it must receive the initial billing notice from the receiving PHA. This deadline <br />is 60 days following the expiration date of the voucher issued to the family by the initial PHA. If <br />the initial PHA does not receive a billing notice by the deadline and does not intend to honor a <br />late billing submission, it must contact the receiving PHA to determine the status of the family. If <br />the receiving PHA reports that the family is not yet under HAP contract, the initial PHA may <br />refuse to accept a late billing submission. If the receiving PHA reports that the family is under <br />HAP contract and the receiving PHA cannot absorb the family, the initial PHA must accept a late <br />billing submission; however, it may report to HUD the receiving PHA's failure to comply with <br />the deadline. <br />If SARA has not received an initial billing notice from the receiving PHA by the deadline <br />specified on form HUD-52665, it will contact the receiving PHA by phone, fax, ore-mail on the <br />next business day. If SARA reports that the family is not yet under HAP contract, SARA will <br />inform the receiving PHA that it will not honor a late billing submission and will return any <br />subsequent billings that it receives on behalf of the family. SARA will send the receiving PHA a <br />written confirmation of its decision by mail. <br />SARA will allow an exception to this policy if the family includes a person with disabilities and <br />the late billing is a result of a reasonable accommodation granted to the family by the receiving <br />PHA. <br />Monthly Billing Payments [24 CFR 982.355(e), Notice PIH 2011-3] <br />If the receiving PHA is administering the family's voucher, the initial PHA is responsible for <br />making billing payments in a timely manner. The first billing amount is due within 30 calendar <br />days after the initial PHA receives Part II of form HUD-52665 from the receiving PHA. <br />Subsequent payments must be received by the receiving PHA no later than the 10th day of each <br />month. The payments must be provided in a form and manner that the receiving PHA is able and <br />willing to accept. <br />The initial PHA may not terminate or delay making payments under existing portability billing <br />arrangements as aresult ofover-leasing or funding shortfalls. SARA must manage its tenant- <br />basedprogram in a manner that ensures that it has the financial ability to provide assistance for <br />families that move out of its jurisdiction under portability and are not absorbed by receiving <br />PHAs as well as for families that remain within its jurisdiction. <br />Annual Updates of Form HUD-50058 <br />If the initial PHA is being billed on behalf of a portable family, it should receive an updated form <br />HUD-50058 each year from the receiving PHA. If the initial PHA fails to receive an updated <br />50058 by the family's annual reexamination date, the initial PHA should contact the receiving <br />PHA to verify the status of the family. <br />Denial or termination of Assistance [24CFR 982.355 (c)(9)] <br />If the initial PHA has grounds for denying or terminating assistance for a portable family that has <br />not been absorbed by the receiving PHA, the initial PHA may act on those grounds at any time. <br />(For PHA policies on denial and termination, see Chapters 3 and 12, respectively.) <br />7/02/12 <br />Page 10-9 <br />