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determine that an applicant family is income eligible for admission to the program in the area <br />where the family wishes to lease a unit [Notice PIH 2011-3, 24 CFR 982.201(b)(4)] .The <br />receiving PHA does not re-determine income eligibility for a portable family that was already <br />receiving assistance in the initial PHA's voucher program [24 CFR 982.355(c)(1}]. <br />For any family moving into its jurisdiction under portability, SARA will conduct a new <br />reexamination of family income and composition. However, SARA will not delay issuing the <br />family a voucher for this reason. Nor will SARA delay approving a unit for the family until the <br />reexamination process is complete unless the family is an applicant and SARA cannot otherwise <br />confirm that the family is income eligible for admission to the program in the area where the unit <br />is located. <br />In conducting its own reexamination, SARA may rely upon any verifications provided by the <br />initial PHA to the extent that they (a) accurately reflect the family's current circumstances and <br />(b) were obtained within the last 120 days. Any new information may be verified by documents <br />provided by the family and adjusted, if necessary, when third party verification is received. <br />Voucher Issuance <br />When a family moves into its jurisdiction under portability, the receiving PHA is required to <br />issue the family a voucher [24 CFR 982.355(b)(6)].Tbe family must submit a request for <br />tenancy approval to the receiving PHA during the term of the receiving PHA's voucher [24 CFR <br />982.355(c)(6)]. <br />Timing of Voucher Issuance <br />HUD expects the receiving PHA to issue the voucher within two weeks after receiving the <br />family's paperwork from the initial PHA if the information is in order, the family has contacted <br />the receiving PHA, and the family complies with the receiving PHA's procedures [Notice PIH <br />2008-43]. <br />When a family ports into SAHA's jurisdiction, SARA will issue the family a voucher based on <br />the paperwork provided by the initial PHA unless the family's paperwork from the initial PHA is <br />incomplete, the family's voucher from the initial PHA has expired or the family does not comply <br />with SAHA's procedures. SARA will update the family's information when verification has <br />been completed. <br />Voucher Term <br />The term of the receiving PHA's voucher may not expire before the term of the initial PHA's <br />voucher [24 CFR 982.355(c)(6)].Tberefore, SAHA's voucher will expire on the same date as the <br />initial PHA's voucher. <br />Voucher Extensions j24 CFR 982.355(c)(6),1Votice 2011-3J <br />The receiving PHA may provide additional search time to the family beyond the expiration date <br />of the initial PHA's voucher; however, if it does so, it must inform the initial PHA of the <br />extension. It must also bear in mind the billing deadline provided by the initial PHA. Unless <br />willing and able to absorb the family, the receiving PHA should ensure that any voucher <br />expiration date would leave sufficient time to process a request for tenancy approval, execute a <br />HAP contract, and deliver the initial billing to the initial PHA. <br />7/02/12 <br />Page 10-11 <br />