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SARA generally will not extend the term of the voucher from the initial PHA without initial <br />PHA approval extending the billing deadline date. <br />SARA will consider an exception to this policy as a reasonable accommodation to a person with <br />disabilities, upon request (see Chapter 2). <br />Notifying the Initial PHA <br />The receiving PHA must promptly notify the initial PHA if the family has leased an eligible unit <br />under the program or if the family fails to submit a request for tenancy approval for an eligible <br />unit within the term of the receiving PHA's voucher [24 CFR 982.355(c)(8)]. The receiving PHA <br />is required to use Part II of form HUD-52665, Family Portability Information, for this purpose <br />[24 CFR 982.355(e)(5), Notice PIH 2011-3]. (For more on this topic and the deadline for <br />notification, see below under "Administering a Portable Family's Voucher,") <br />If an incoming portable family ultimately decides not to lease in the jurisdiction of the receiving <br />PHA but instead wishes to return to the initial PHA's jurisdiction or to search in another <br />jurisdiction, the receiving PHA must refer the family back to the initial PHA. In such a case the <br />voucher of record for the family is once again the voucher originally issued by the initial PHA. <br />Any extension of search time provided by the receiving PHA's voucher is only valid for the <br />family's search in the receiving PHA's jurisdiction. [Notice PIH 2011-3] <br />Administering a Portable Family's Voucher <br />Initial Billing Deadline <br />If a portable family's search for a unit is successful and the receiving PHA intends to administer <br />the family's voucher, the receiving PHA must submit its initial billing notice (Part II of form <br />HUD-52665) (a) no later than 10 days following the date the receiving PHA executes a HAP <br />contract on behalf of the family and (b) in time that the notice will be received no later than 60 <br />days following the expiration date of the family's voucher issued by the initial PHA [Notice PIH <br />2011-3]. A copy of the family's form HUD-50058, Family Report, completed by the receiving <br />PHA must be attached to the initial billing notice. The receiving PHA may send these documents <br />by mail, fax, ore-mail. <br />SARA will send its initial billing notice by fax ore-mail, if necessary, to meet the billing <br />deadline but will also send the notice by regular mail. <br />If the receiving PHA fails to send the initial billing within 10 days following the date the HAP <br />contract is executed, it is required to absorb the family into its own program unless (a) the initial <br />PHA is willing to accept the late submission or (b) HUD requires the initial PHA to honor the <br />late submission (e.g., because the receiving PHA is over-leased) [Notice PIH 2011-3]. <br />7/02/12 <br />Page 10-12 <br />