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11-I.E. EFFECTIVE DATES <br />SARA must establish policies concerning the effective date of changes that result from an annual <br />reexamination [24 CFR 982.516] . <br />In general, an increase in the family share of the rent that results from an annual reexamination <br />will take effect on the family's anniversary date, and the family will be notified at least 3 o days <br />in a vance. <br />If a family moves to a new unit, the increase will take effect on the effective date of the new <br />lease and HAP contract, and no 30-day notice is required. <br />If the family causes a delay in processing the annual reexamination, increases in the family share <br />of the rent will be applied retroactively, to the scheduled effective date of the annual <br />reexamination. The family will be responsible for any overpaid subsidy and may be offered a <br />repayment agreement in accordance with the policies in Chapter 16. <br />In general, a decrease in the family share of the rent that results from an annual reexamination <br />will take effect on the family's anniversary date. <br />Delays in reexamination processing are considered to be caused by the family if the family fails <br />to provide information requested by SARA by the date specified, and this delay prevents SARA <br />from completing the reexamination as scheduled. <br />PART II: INTERIM REEXAMINATIONS [24 CFR 982.516] <br />11-II.A. OVERVIEW <br />Family circumstances may change throughout the period between annual reexaminations. HUD <br />and SARA policies dictate what kinds of information about changes in family circumstances <br />must be reported, and under what circumstances SARA must process interim reexaminations to <br />reflect those changes. HUD regulations also permit SARA to conduct interim reexaminations of <br />income or family composition at any time. When an interim reexamination is conducted, only <br />those factors that have changed are verified and adjusted [HCV GB, p. l2-l0]. <br />In addition to specifying what information the family must report, HUD regulations permit the <br />family to request an interim determination if other aspects of the family's income or composition <br />changes. SARA must complete the interim reexamination within a reasonable time after the <br />family's request. <br />This part includes HUD and SARA policies describing what changes families are required to <br />report, what changes families may choose to report, and how SARA will process both SAHA- <br />and family-initiated interim reexaminations. <br />11-II.B. CHANGES IN FAMILY AND HOUSEHOLD COMPOSITION <br />SARA will conduct interim reexaminations to account for any changes in household composition <br />that occur between annual reexaminations. <br />~~02~12 Page 11-4 <br />