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New Family Members Not Requiring Approval <br />The addition of a family member as a result of birth, adoption, orcourt-awarded custody does <br />not require SARA approval. However, the family is required to promptly notify SARA of the <br />addition [24 CFR 982.551(h)(2)]. <br />The family must inform SARA of the birth, adoption or court-awarded custody of a child within <br />14 days. <br />New Family and Household Members Requiring Approval <br />With the exception of children who j oin the family as a result of birth, adoption, or court- <br />awarded custody, a family must request SARA approval to add a new family member [24 CFR <br />982.551(h)(2)] or other household member (live-in aide or foster child) [24 CFR 982.551(h)(4)]. <br />When any new family member is added, SARA must conduct a reexamination to determine any <br />new income or deductions associated with the additional family member, and to make <br />appropriate adjustments in the family share of the rent and the HAP payment [24 CFR <br />982.516(e)] . <br />If a change in family size causes a violation of Housing Quality Standards (HQS) space <br />standards (see Chapter 8), SARA will issue the family a new voucher, and the family will find an <br />acceptable unit as soon as possible. If an acceptable unit is available for rental by the family, <br />SARA must terminate the HAP contract in accordance with its terms [24 CFR 982.403]. <br />Families must request SARA approval to add a new family member, live-in aide, foster child, or <br />foster adult. This includes any person not on the lease who is expected to stay in the unit for <br />more than 30 days (consecutive or cumulative) within a twelve month period, thereby no longer <br />qualifies as a "guest." Requests must be made in writing and approved by SARA prior to the <br />individual moving in the unit. <br />SARA will not approve the addition of a new family or household member unless the individual <br />meets SAHA's eligibility criteria (see Chapter 3). <br />SARA will not approve the addition of a foster child or foster adult if it will cause a violation of <br />HQS space standards. <br />If SARA determines an individual meets SAHA's eligibility criteria as defined in Chapter 3, <br />SARA will provide written approval to the family. If the approval of a new family member or <br />live-in aide will cause overcrowding according to HQS standards, the approval letter will explain <br />that the family will be issued another voucher and will be required to move. <br />If SARA determines that an individual does not meet SAHA's eligibility criteria as defined in <br />Chapter 3, SARA will notify the family in writing of its decision to deny approval of the new <br />family or household member and the reasons for the denial. <br />SARA will make its determination within 14 days of receiving all information required to verify <br />the individual's eligibility. <br />Departure of a Family or Household Member <br />Families must promptly notify SARA if any family member no longer lives in the unit [24 <br />CFR 982.551(h)(3)].Becauw household members are considered when determining the family <br />~~02~12 Page 11-5 <br />