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During the term of the lease, the owner is not permitted to terminate the tenancy except for <br />serious or repeated violations of the lease, certain violations of state or local law, or other good <br />cause. <br />Serious or Repeated Lease Violations <br />The owner is permitted to terminate the family's tenancy for serious or repeated violations of the <br />terms and conditions of the lease, including failure to pay rent or other amounts due under the <br />lease, except when the violations are related to incidents of actual or threatened domestic <br />violence, dating violence, or stalking against that participant. This includes failure to pay rent or <br />other amounts due under the lease. However, the PHA's failure to make a HAP payment to the <br />owner is not a violation of the lease between the family and the owner. <br />Violation of Federal, State, or Local Law <br />The owner is permitted to terminate the tenancy if a family member violates federal, state, or <br />local law that imposes obligations in connection with the occupancy or use of the premises. <br />Criminal Activity or Alcohol Abuse <br />The owner may terminate tenancy during the term of the lease if any covered person, meaning <br />any member of the household, a guest or another person under the tenant's control commits any <br />of the following types of criminal activity (for applicable definitions see 24 CFR 5.100): <br />• Any criminal activity that threatens the health or safety of, or the right to peaceful enjoyment <br />of the premises by, other residents (including property management staff residing on the <br />premises); <br />• Any criminal activity that threatens the health or safety of, or the right to peaceful enjoyment <br />of their residences by, persons residing in the immediate vicinity of the premises; <br />• Any violent criminal activity on or near the premises; or <br />• Any drug-related criminal activity on or near the premises. <br />The owner may terminate tenancy during the term of the lease if any member of the household <br />1S: <br />• Fleeing to avoid prosecution, custody, or confinement after conviction for a crime or an <br />attempt to commit a crime that is a felony under the laws of the place from which the <br />individual flees; or <br />• Violating a condition of probation or parole imposed under federal or state law. <br />The owner may terminate tenancy for criminal activity by a household member in accordance <br />with this section if the owner determines that the household member has committed the criminal <br />activity, regardless of whether the household member has been arrested or convicted for such <br />activity. <br />The owner may terminate tenancy during the term of the lease if any member of the household <br />has engaged in abuse of alcohol that threatens the health, safety, or right to peaceful enjoyment <br />of the premises by other residents. <br />Under provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), an owner may not terminate <br />tenancy solely upon an instance of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, <br />~~02~12 Page 12-12 <br />