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When the PHA notifies an owner that a family's assistance will be terminated, the PHA will, if <br />appropriate, advise the owner ofhis/her right to offer the family a separate, unassisted lease. <br />When a family requests to be terminated from the program they must do so in writing to SARA <br />(see section 12-I.C.). SAHA will then send a confirmation notice to the family and the owner <br />within 14 days of the family's request, but no later than the termination effective date (as <br />requested by the family). <br />Notice of Termination Based on Citizenship Status [24 CFR 5.514 (c) and (d)] <br />SARA must terminate assistance if (1) a family fails to submit required documentation within <br />the required timeframe concerning any family member's citizenship or eligible immigration <br />status; (2) evidence of citizenship and eligible immigration status is submitted timely, but USCIS <br />primary and secondary verification does not verify eligible immigration status of a family; or (3) <br />SARA determines that a family member has knowingly permitted another individual who is not <br />eligible for assistance to reside (on a permanent basis) in the unit. For (3) above, such <br />termination must be for a period of at least 24 months. <br />The notice of termination must advise the family of the reasons their assistance is being <br />terminated, that they maybe eligible for proration of assistance, the criteria and procedures for <br />obtaining relief under the provisions for preservation of families, that they have the right to <br />request an appeal to the USCIS of the results of secondary verification of immigration status and <br />to submit additional documentation or a written explanation in support of the appeal, and that <br />they have the right to request an informal hearing with SAHA either upon completion of the <br />USCIS appeal or in lieu of the USCIS appeal. Informal hearing procedures are contained in <br />Chapter 16. <br />The notice to terminate will be sent to the family and the owner at least 3 0 calendar days prior to <br />the effective date of the termination. <br />12-II.G. HOW TERMINATION OF ASSISTANCE AFFECTS THE HAP CONTRACT <br />AND LEASE <br />When the family's assistance is terminated, the lease and HAP contract terminate automatically <br />[Form HUD-52641]. <br />The owner may offer the family a separate unassisted lease [HCV GB, p.15-8]. <br />PART III: TERMINATION OF TENANCY BY THE OWNER <br />12-III.A. OVERVIEW <br />Termination of an assisted tenancy is a matter between the owner and the family; SAHA is not <br />directly involved. However, the owner is under some constraints when terminating an assisted <br />tenancy, and the reasons for which a tenancy is terminated dictate whether assistance also will be <br />terminate . <br />12-IILB. GROUNDS FOR OWNER TERMINATION OF TENANCY [24 CFR 982.310 <br />and Form HUD-52641-A, Tenancy Addendum] <br />~~02~12 Page 12-11 <br />