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PART I.OWNERS IN THE HCV PROGRAM <br />13-I.A. OWNER RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION [HCV GB, pp. 2-4 to 2-6] <br />Recruitment <br />SARA is responsible for ensuring that very low income families have access to all types and <br />ranges of affordable housing in SAHA's jurisdiction, particularly housing outside areas of <br />poverty or minority concentration. A critical element in fulfilling this responsibility is for SARA <br />to ensure that a sufficient number of owners, representing all types and ranges of affordable <br />housing in SAHA's jurisdiction, are willing to participate in the HCV program. <br />To accomplish this obj ective, SARA must identify and recruit new owners to participate in the <br />program. <br />SARA will conduct owner outreach to ensure that owners are familiar with the program and its <br />advantages. SARA will actively recruit property owners with property located outside areas of <br />poverty and minority concentration. These outreach strategies will include: <br />Distributing printed material about the program to property owners and managers <br />Contacting property owners and managers by phone or in-person <br />Holding owner recruitment/information meetings at least once a year <br />Participating in community based organizations comprised of private property and <br />apartment owners and managers <br />Developing working relationships with owners and real estate brokers associations <br />Outreach strategies will be monitored for effectiveness, and adapted accordingly. <br />Retention <br />In addition to recruiting owners to participate in the HCV program, SARA must also provide the <br />kind of customer service that will encourage participating owners to remain active in the <br />program. <br />All SARA activities that may affect an owner's ability to lease a unit will be processed as rapidly <br />as possible, in order to minimize vacancy losses for owners. <br />SARA will provide owners with a handbook that explains the program, including HUD and <br />SARA policies and procedures, ineasy-to-understand language. <br />SARA will give special attention to helping new owners succeed through activities such as: <br />Providing the owner with a designated SARA contact person. <br />Coordinating inspection and leasing activities between SARA, the owner, and the family. <br />Initiating telephone contact with the owner to explain the inspection process, and <br />providing an inspection booklet and other resource materials about HUD housing quality <br />standards. <br />7/02/12 Page 13 -2 <br />