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Providing other written information about how the program operates, including answers <br />to frequently asked questions. <br />Providing newsletters to update owners when changes occur to the HCV program by <br />HUD or sAHA <br />Additional services may be undertaken on an as-needed basis, and as resources permit. <br />13-I.B. BASIC HCV PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS <br />HUD requires SARA to aid families in their housing search by providing the family with a list of <br />landlords or other parties known to SARA who maybe willing to lease a unit to the family, or to <br />help the family find a unit. Although SARA cannot maintain a list of owners that are pre- <br />qualified to participate in the program, owners may indicate to SARA their willingness to lease a <br />unit to an eligible HCV family, or to help the HCV family find a unit [24 CFR 982.301(b)(11)]. <br />Owners that wish to indicate their willingness to lease a unit to an eligible HCV family or to help <br />the HCV family find a unit must notify SARA. SARA will maintain a listing of such owners and <br />provide this listing to the HCV family as part of the informational briefing packet <br />When a family approaches an owner to apply for tenancy, the owner is responsible for screening <br />the family and deciding whether to lease to the family, j ust as the owner would with any <br />potential tenant. SARA has no liability or responsibility to the owner or other persons for the <br />family's behavior or suitability for tenancy. See chapters 3 and 9 for more detail on tenant family <br />screening policies and process. <br />If the owner is willing, the family and the owner must j ointly complete a Request for Tenancy <br />A royal (RTA, Form HUD 52517), which constitutes the family's request for assistance in the <br />specified unit, and which documents the owner's willingness to lease to the family and to follow <br />the program's requirements. When submitted to SARA, this document is the first step in the <br />process of obtaining approval for the family to receive the financial assistance it will need in <br />order to occupy the unit. Also submitted with the RTA is a copy of the owner's proposed <br />dwelling lease, including the HUD-required Tenancy Addendum (Form HUD-52641-A). See <br />Chapter 9 for more detail on request for tenancy approval policies and process. <br />HUD regulations stipulate that an assisted tenancy can be approved only under certain <br />conditions. <br />The owner must be qualified to participate in the program [24 CFR 982.306]. Some owners are <br />precluded from participating in the program, or from renting to a particular family, either <br />because of their past history with this or another federal housing program, or because of certain <br />conflicts of interest. Owner qualifications are discussed later in this chapter. <br />The selected unit must be of a type that is eligible for the program [24 CFR 982.305(a)]. Certain <br />types of dwelling units cannot be assisted under the HCV program. Other types maybe assisted <br />under certain conditions. In addition, the owner must document legal ownership of the specified <br />unit. See chapter 9 for more detail on unit eligibility policies and process. <br />The selected unit must meet HUD's Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and/or equivalent state or <br />local standards approved by HUD [24 CFR 982.305(a)]. SARA will inspect the owner's <br />dwelling unit at various stages of HCV program participation, to ensure that the unit continues to <br />7/02/12 Page 13-3 <br />