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Corrections <br />Whether the incorrect subsidy determination is an overpayment or underpayment of subsidy, <br />SARA must promptly correct the HAP, family share, and any utility reimbursement <br />prospectively. <br />Increases in the family share will be implemented only after the family has received 30 days <br />notice. <br />Any decreases in family share will become effective the first of the month following the <br />discovery of the error. <br />Reimbursement <br />Whether the family or owner is required to reimburse SARA or SARA is required to make <br />retroactive subsidy payments to the owner or family depends upon which party is responsible for <br />the incorrect subsidy payment and whether the action taken was an error or program abuse. <br />Policies regarding reimbursement are discussed in the three sections that follow. <br />14-II.B. FAMILY-CAUSED ERRORS AND PROGRAM ABUSE <br />Family obligations and general administrative requirements for participating in the program are <br />discussed throughout this plan. This section deals specifically with errors and program abuse by <br />family members. <br />An incorrect subsidy determination caused by a family generally would be the result of incorrect <br />reporting of family composition, income, assets, or expenses, but also would include instances in <br />which the family knowingly allows SARA to use incorrect information provided by a third party. <br />Family Reimbursement to PHA [HCV GB pp. 22-12 to 22-13] <br />In the case offamily-caused errors or program abuse, the family will be required to repay any <br />excess subsidy received. SARA may, but is not required to, offer the family a repayment <br />agreement in accordance with Chapter 16. If the family fails to repay the excess subsidy, SARA <br />will terminate the family's assistance in accordance with the policies in Chapter 12. <br />SAHA Reimbursement to Family [HCV GB p. 22-12] <br />SARA will not reimburse the family for any underpayment of assistance when the underpayment <br />clearly is caused by the family. <br />Prohibited Actions <br />An applicant or participant in the HCV program must not knowingly: <br />• Make a false statement to SARA [Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001]. <br />Commit fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any federal <br />housing program [24 CFR 982.552(c)(iv)]. <br />Any of the following will be considered evidence of family program abuse: <br />Payment to the owner in excess of amounts authorized by SARA for rent, security <br />deposit, and additional services <br />Offering bribes or illegal gratuities to SAHA Board of Commissioners, employees, <br />contractors, or other SARA representatives <br />~~02~12 Page 14-5 <br />