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Offering payments or other incentives to the owner or a third party as an inducement for <br />the third party to make false or misleading statements to SARA on the family's behalf <br />Use of a false name or the use of falsified, forged, or altered documents <br />Intentional misreporting of family information or circumstances (e.g. income, family <br />composition) <br />Omitted facts that were obviously known by a family member (e. g., not reporting <br />employment income) <br />Admission of program abuse by an adult family member <br />SARA may determine other actions to be program abuse based upon a preponderance of the <br />evidence, as defined earlier in this chapter. <br />Penalties for Program Abuse <br />In the case of program abuse caused by a family SARA may, at its discretion, impose any of the <br />following remedies. <br />• SARA may require the family to repay excess subsidy amounts paid by SARA, as described <br />earlier in this section. <br />• SARA may require, as a condition of receiving or continuing assistance, that a culpable <br />family member not reside in the unit. See policies in Chapter 3 (for applicants) and Chapter <br />12 (for participants). <br />• SARA may deny or terminate the family's assistance following the policies set forth in <br />Chapter 3 and Chapter 12 respectively. <br />• SARA may refer the family for state or federal criminal prosecution as described in section <br />14-II.E. <br />14-II.C. OWNER-CAUSED ERROR OR PROGRAM ABUSE <br />Owner requirements that are part of the regular process of offering, leasing, and maintaining a <br />unit (e.g., HQS compliance, fair housing) are addressed in the appropriate chapters of this plan. <br />This section focuses on errors and program abuse by owners. <br />An incorrect subsidy determination caused by an owner generally would be the result of an <br />incorrect owner statement about the characteristics ofthe assisted unit (e.g., the number of <br />bedrooms, which utilities are paid by the family). It also includes accepting duplicate housing <br />assistance payments for the same unit in the same month, or after a family no longer resides in <br />t e unit. <br />Owner Reimbursement to SAHA <br />In all cases of overpayment of subsidy caused by the owner, the owner must repay to SARA any <br />excess subsidy received. SAHA may recover overpaid amounts by withholding housing <br />assistance payments due for subsequent months, or if the debt is large, SARA may allow the <br />owner to pay in installments over a period of time [HCV GB p. 22-13 ] . <br />Incases where the owner has received excess subsidy, SARA will require the owner to repay the <br />amount owed in accordance with the policies in Section 16-IV.B. <br />~~02~12 Page 14-6 <br />