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Prohibited Owner Actions <br />An owner participating in the HCV program must not: <br />• Make any false statement to the PHA [Title 18 U.S.C. Section 1001]. <br />Commit fraud, bribery, or any other corrupt or criminal act in connection with any federal <br />housing program [24 CFR 982.453(a)(3)] including: <br />Any of the following will be considered evidence of owner program abuse: <br />Charging the family rent above or below the amount specified by SARA <br />Charging a security deposit other than that specified in the family's lease <br />Charging the family for services that are provided to unassisted tenants at no extra <br />charge <br />Knowingly accepting housing assistance payments for any month(s) after the family has <br />vacated the unit <br />Knowingly accepting incorrect or excess housing assistance payments <br />Offering bribes or illegal gratuities to SARA Board of Commissioners, employees, <br />contractors, or other SARA representatives <br />Offering payments or other incentives to an HCV family as an inducement for the family <br />to make false or misleading statements to SARA <br />Residing in the unit with an assisted family <br />Remedies and Penalties <br />When SARA determines that the owner has committed program abuse, SARA may take any of <br />the following actions: <br />• Require the owner to repay excess housing assistance payments, as discussed earlier in this <br />section and in accordance with the policies in Chapter 16. <br />• Terminate the HAP contract (See Chapter 13). <br />• Bar the owner from future participation in any SARA programs. <br />• Refer the case to state or federal officials for criminal prosecution as described in section <br />14-II.E. <br />14-II.D. PHA-CAUSED ERRORS OR PROGRAM ABUSE <br />The responsibilities and expectations of SARA staff with respect to normal program <br />administration are discussed throughout this plan. This section specifically addresses actions of a <br />SARA staff member that are considered errors or program abuse related to the HCV program. <br />Additional standards of conduct may be provided in SARA personnel policy. <br />SARA-caused incorrect subsidy determinations include (1) failing to correctly apply HCV rules <br />regarding family composition, income, assets, and expenses, (2) assigning the incorrect voucher <br />size to a family, and (3) errors in calculation. <br />~~02~12 Page 14-7 <br />