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Information about the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.) <br />(RESPA), state and Federal truth-in-lending laws, and how to identify and avoid loans with <br />oppressive terms and conditions. <br />• The PHA may adapt the subjects covered inpre-assistance counseling (as listed) to local <br />circumstances and the needs of individual families. <br />SARA may also offer additional counseling after commencement of homeownership assistance <br />(ongoing counseling). If SARA offers a program of ongoing counseling for participants in the <br />homeownership option, SARA shall have discretion to determine whether the family is required <br />to participate in the ongoing counseling. <br />If SARA does not use aHUD-approved housing counseling agency to provide the counseling, <br />SARA should ensure that its counseling program is consistent with the counseling provided <br />under HUD's Housing Counseling program. <br />15-VII.G. HOME INSPECTIONS, CONTRACT OF SALE, AND PHA DISAPPROVAL <br />OF SELLER [24 CFR 982.631] <br />Home Inspections <br />SARA may not commence monthly homeownership assistance payments or provide down <br />payment assistance grants for a family until SARA has inspected the unit and has determined <br />that the unit passes HQS. <br />An independent professional inspector selected by and paid for by the family must also inspect <br />the unit. The independent inspection must cover maj or building systems and components, <br />including foundation and structure, housing interior and exterior, and the roofing, plumbing, <br />electrical, and heating systems. The independent inspector must be qualified to report on <br />property conditions, including maj or building systems and components. <br />SARA may not require the family to use an independent inspector selected by SARA. The <br />independent inspector may not be a PHA employee or contractor, or other person under control <br />of SARA. However, SARA may establish standards for qualification of inspectors selected by <br />families under the homeownership option. <br />SARA may disapprove a unit for assistance based on information in the independent inspector's <br />report, even if the unit was found to comply with HQS. <br />Contract of Sale <br />Before commencement of monthly homeownership assistance payments or receipt of a down <br />payment assistance grant, a member or members of the family must enter into a contract of sale <br />with the seller of the unit to be acquired by the family. The family must give SARA a copy of <br />the contract of sale. The contract of sale must: <br />• Specify the price and other terms of sale by the seller to the purchaser; <br />• Provide that the purchaser will arrange for apre-purchase inspection of the dwelling unit by <br />an independent inspector selected by the purchaser; <br />Provide that the purchaser is not obligated to purchase the unit unless the inspection is <br />satisfactory to the purchaser; <br />7/02/12 Page 15-15 <br />