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• Provide that the purchaser is not obligated to pay for any necessary repairs; and <br />Contain a certification from the seller that the seller has not been debarred, suspended, or <br />subj ect to a limited denial of participation under CFR part 24. <br />Disapproval of a Seller <br />In its administrative discretion, SARA may deny approval of a seller for the same reasons a PHA <br />may disapprove an owner under the regular HCV program [see 24 CFR 982.306(c)]. <br />15-VII.H. FINANCING [24 CFR 982.632] <br />SARA may establish requirements for financing purchase of a home under the homeownership <br />option. This may include requirements concerning qualification of lenders, terms of financing, <br />restrictions concerning debt secured by the home, lender qualifications, loan terms, and <br />affordability of the debt. SARA must establish policies describing these requirements in the <br />administrative plan. <br />A PHA may not require that families acquire financing from one or more specified lenders, <br />thereby restricting the family's ability to secure favorable financing terms. <br />15-VIII. CONTINUED ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENTS; FAMILY OBLIGATIONS [24 <br />CFR 982.633] <br />Homeownership assistance may only be paid while the family is residing in the home. If the <br />family moves out of the home, SARA may not continue homeownership assistance after the <br />month when the family moves out. The family or lender is not required to refund to SARA the <br />homeownership assistance for the month when the family moves out. <br />Before commencement of homeownership assistance, the family must execute a statement in <br />which the family agrees to comply with all family obligations under the homeownership option. <br />The family must comply with the following obligations: <br />• The family must comply with the terms of the mortgage securing debt incurred to purchase <br />the home, or any refinancing of such debt. <br />• The family may not convey or transfer ownership of the home, except for purposes of <br />financing, refinancing, or pending settlement of the estate of a deceased family member. Use <br />and occupancy of the home are subject to 24 CFR 982.551 (h) and (i). <br />• The family must supply information to SARA or HUD as specified in 24 CFR 982.551(b). <br />The family must further supply any information required by SARA or HUD concerning <br />mortgage financing or refinancing, sale or transfer of any interest in the home, or <br />omeowners ip expenses. <br />• The family must notify SARA before moving out of the home. <br />• The family must notify SARA if the family defaults on the mortgage used to purchase the <br />home. <br />• No family member may have any ownership interest in any other residential property. <br />7/02/12 Page 15-16 <br />