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• General policy issues or class grievances <br />• A determination of the family unit size under SARA subsidy standards <br />• SARA determination not to grant approval of the tenancy <br />• SARA determination that the unit is not incompliance with the HQS <br />• SARA determination that the unit is not in accordance with the HQS due to family size or <br />composition <br />SARA will only offer an informal review to applicants for whom assistance is being <br />denied. Denial of assistance includes: denying listing on SAHA's waiting list; denying or <br />withdrawing a voucher; refusing to enter into a HAP contract or approve a lease; refusing <br />to process or provide assistance under portability procedures. <br />Notice to the Applicant [24 CFR 982.554(a)] <br />SARA will give an applicant prompt notice of a decision denying assistance. The notice will <br />contain a brief statement of the reasons for SAHA's decision, and will also state that the <br />applicant may request an informal review of the decision. The notice must describe how to <br />obtain the informal review. <br />Scheduling an Informal Review <br />A request for an informal review must be made in writing and delivered to SARA either <br />in person or by first class mail, by the close of the business day, no later than 14 days <br />from the date of the PHA's denial of assistance. <br />Except as provided in Section 3-III.G, SARA will schedule and send written notice of the <br />informal review within 14 days of the family's request. <br />Informal Review Procedures [24 CFR 982.554(b)] <br />The informal review will be conducted by a person other than the one who made or <br />approved the decision under review, or a subordinate of this person. <br />The applicant will be provided an opportunity to present written or oral objections to the <br />decision of SARA. <br />The person conducting the review will make a recommendation to SARA, but SARA is <br />responsible for making the final decision as to whether assistance should be granted <br />or enle . <br />Informal Review Decision [24 CFR 982.554(b)] <br />SARA will notify the applicant of SAHA's final decision, including a brief statement of the <br />reasons for the final decision. <br />In rendering a decision, SARA will evaluate the following matters: <br />Whether or not the grounds for denial were stated factually in the Notice. <br />The validity of grounds for denial of assistance. If the grounds for denial are not <br />specified in the regulations, then the decision to deny assistance will be <br />overturned. <br />o~ro2~12 Page 16-7 <br />