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PART I: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS <br />17-I.A. OVERVIEW [24 CFR 983.5] <br />The project-based voucher (PBV) program allows PHAs that already administer atenant-based <br />voucher program under an annual contributions contract (ACC) with HUD to take up to 20 <br />percent of its voucher program budget authority and attach the funding to specific units rather <br />than using it for tenant-based assistance [24 CFR 983.6]. PHAs may only operate a PBV <br />program if doing so is consistent with SAHA's Annual Plan, and the goal of deconcentrating <br />poverty and expanding housing and economic opportunities [42 U.S.C.1437f(o)(13)]. <br />SARA will operate aproject-based voucher program using up to 20 percent of its budget <br />authority for project-based assistance. <br />PBV assistance maybe attached to existing housing or newly constructed or rehabilitated <br />housing [24 CFR 983.52]. If PBV units are already selected for project-based assistance either <br />under an agreement to enter into HAP Contract (Agreement) or a HAP contract, SARA is not <br />required to reduce the number of these units if the amount of budget authority is subsequently <br />reduced. However, SARA is responsible for determining the amount of budget authority that is <br />available for project-based vouchers and ensuring that the amount of assistance that is attached to <br />units is within the amounts available under the ACC [24 CFR 983.6] . <br />17-I.B. TENANT-BASED VS. PROJECT-BASED VOUCHER ASSISTANCE <br />[24 CFR 983.2] <br />Much of the tenant-based voucher program regulations also apply to the PBV program. <br />Consequently, many of SAHA's policies related to tenant-based assistance also apply to PBV <br />assistance. The provisions of the tenant-based voucher regulations that do not apply to the PBV <br />program are listed at 24 CFR 983.2. <br />Except as otherwise noted in this chapter, or unless specifically prohibited by PBV program <br />regulations, SARA policies for the tenant-based voucher program contained in this <br />administrative plan also apply to the PBV program and its participants. <br />17-I.C. RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS [24 CFR 983.7] <br />Any persons displaced as a result of implementation of the PBV program must be provided <br />relocation assistance in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance <br />and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA)[42 U.S.C. 4201-4655] and <br />implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24. <br />The cost of required relocation assistance may be paid with funds provided by the owner, local <br />public funds, or funds available from other sources. Voucher program funds may not be used to <br />cover relocation costs, except administrative fee reserve may be used to pay for relocation <br />expenses after all other program administrative expenses are satisfied, and provided that payment <br />of the relocation benefits is consistent with state and local law. Use of the administrative fee for <br />these purposes must also be consistent with other legal and regulatory requirements, including <br />the requirement in 24 CFR 982.155 and other official HUD issuances. <br />o~ro2~12 Page 17-2 <br />