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The acquisition of real property for a PBV proj ect is subj ect to the URA and 49 CFR part 24, <br />subpart B. It is the responsibility of SARA to ensure the owner complies with these <br />requirements. <br />17-I.D. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY REQUIREMENTS [24 CFR 983.8] <br />SARA will comply with all equal opportunity requirements under federal law and regulations in <br />its implementation of the PBV program. This includes the requirements and authorities cited at <br />24 CFR 5.105(a). In addition, SARA will comply with its Annual Plan's certification on civil <br />rights and affirmatively furthering fair housing, submitted in accordance with 24 CFR 903.7(0). <br />PART II: PBV OWNER PROPOSALS <br />17-II.A. OVERVIEW <br />A PHA must describe the procedures for owner submission of PBV proposals and for selection <br />of PBV proposals [24 CFR 983.51]. Before selecting a PBV proposal, SARA must determine <br />that the PBV proposal complies with HUD program regulations and requirements, including a <br />determination that the property is eligible housing [24 CFR 983.53 and 983.54], complies with <br />the cap on the number of PBV units per project [24 CFR 983.56, FR Notice 11/24/08], and meets <br />the site selection standards [24 CFR 983.57]. <br />17-II.B. OWNER PROPOSAL SELECTION PROCEDURES [24 CFR 983.51] <br />SARA will select PBV proposals in accordance with the selection procedures in the <br />administrative plan. SARA will select PBV proposals by either of the following two methods. <br />• SARA request for PBV Proposals. SARA may solicit proposals by using a request for <br />proposals to select proposals on a competitive basis. SARA may not limit proposals to a <br />single site or impose restrictions that explicitly or practically preclude owner submission of <br />proposals for PBV housing on different sites. <br />SARA may select proposals that were previously selected based on a competition. This may <br />include selection of a proposal for housing assisted under a federal, state, or local <br />government housing assistance program that was subject to a competition in accordance with <br />the requirements of the applicable program, community development program, or supportive <br />services program that requires competitive selection of proposals (e.g., HOME, and units for <br />which competitively awarded LIHTCs have been provided), where the proposal has been <br />selected in accordance with such program's competitive selection requirements within three <br />years of the PBV proposal selection date, and the earlier competitive selection proposal did <br />not involve any consideration that the project would receive PBV assistance. <br />o~ro2~12 Page 17-3 <br />