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about the individual's disability may provide verification of a disability [Joint Statement of <br />the Departments of HUD and Justice: Reasonable Accommodations under the Fair Housing <br />Act] <br />• SARA will request only information that is necessary to evaluate the disability-related need <br />for the accommodation. SARA will not inquire about the nature or extent of any disability. <br />• Medical records will not be accepted or retained in the participant file. <br />• In the event that the PHA does receive confidential information about a person's specific <br />diagnosis, treatment, or the nature or severity of the disability, the PHA will dispose of it. in <br />place of the information, the PHA will note in the file that the disability and other requested <br />information have been verified, the date the verification was received, and the name and <br />address of the knowledgeable professional who sent the information [Notice PIH 2010-26]. <br />2-II.E. APPROVAL/DENIAL OF A REQUESTED ACCOMMODATION [Joint Statement <br />of the Departments of HUD and Justice: Reasonable Accommodations under the Fair Housing <br />Act]. <br />The Reasonable Accommodation Committee will approve a request for an accommodation if the <br />following three conditions are met: <br />• The request was made by or on behalf of a person with a disability. <br />• There is adisability-related need for the accommodation. <br />• The requested accommodation is reasonable, meaning it would not impose an undue <br />financial and administrative burden on SARA, or fundamentally alter the nature of SAHA's <br />HCV operations (including the obligation to comply with HUD requirements and <br />regu ations). <br />Requests for accommodations must be assessed on acase-by-case basis, taking into account <br />factors such as the cost of the requested accommodation, the financial resources of SARA at the <br />time of the request, the benefits that the accommodation would provide to the family, and the <br />availability of alternative accommodations that would effectively meet the family's disability- <br />relatedneeds. <br />Before making a determination whether to approve the request, SARA may enter into discussion <br />and negotiation with the family, request more information from the family, or may require the <br />family to sign a consent form so that SARA may verify the need for the requested <br />accommo anon. <br />After a request for an accommodation is presented, the Reasonable Accommodation Committee <br />will respond, in writing, within 14 days. <br />If the request is denied for an accommodation because it is not reasonable (it would impose an <br />undue financial and administrative burden or fundamentally alter the nature of SAHA's <br />operations), SARA will discuss with the family whether an alternative accommodation could <br />effectively address the family's disability-related needs without a fundamental alteration to the <br />HCV program and without imposing an undue financial and administrative burden. <br />If SARA believes that the family has failed to identify a reasonable alternative accommodation <br />after interactive discussion and negotiation, SARA will notify the family, in writing, of its <br />Page 2-6 <br />~~02~2012 <br />