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Purging the Waiting List <br />The decision to withdraw an applicant family that includes a person with disabilities from the <br />waiting list is subj ect to reasonable accommodation. If the applicant did not respond to the <br />SARA request for information or updates because of the family member's disability, SARA <br />must reinstate the applicant family to their former position on the waiting list [24 CFR <br />982.204(c)(2)] . <br />The waiting list will be purged every two years to ensure that all applicants and applicant <br />information is current and timely. <br />To update the waiting list, SARA will send an update request via first class mail to each family <br />on the waiting list to determine whether the family continues to be interested in, and to qualify <br />for, the program. This update request will be sent to the last address that SARA has on record for <br />the family. The update request will provide a deadline by which the family must respond and <br />will state that failure to respond will result in the applicant's name being removed from the <br />waiting list. <br />The family's response must be in writing and may be delivered in person, by mail, or by fax. <br />Responses should be postmarked or received by SARA not later than the date specified on <br />SARA letter. <br />If the family fails to respond within the specified date on SAHA's letter, the family will be <br />removed from the waiting list without further notice. <br />If the notice is returned by the post office with no forwarding address, the applicant will be <br />removed from the waiting list without further notice. <br />If the notice is returned by the post office with a forwarding address, the applicant will be <br />removed from the waiting list without further notice. <br />If a family is removed from the waiting list for failure to respond, the Housing Authority <br />Supervisor may reinstate the family if s/he determines the lack of response was due to SARA <br />error, or to circumstances beyond the family's control. <br />Removal from the Waiting List <br />If at any time an applicant family is on the waiting list, SARA determines that the family is not <br />eligible for assistance (see Chapter 3), the family will be removed from the waiting list. <br />If a family is removed from the waiting list because SARA has determined the family is not <br />eligible for assistance, a notice will be sent to the family's address of record as well as to any <br />alternate address provided on the initial application. The notice will state the reasons the family <br />was removed from the waiting list and will inform the family how to request an informal review <br />regarding SAHA's decision (see Chapter 16) [24 CFR 982.201(f)]. <br />~~02~12 Page 4-6 <br />