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Department of-Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act <br />of 1964," 49 CFR Part 21. In addition, FTA Circular 4702.1, "Title VI and Title <br />VI-Dependent Guidelines for FTA Recipients," 05-13-07, provides FTA <br />guidance and instructions for implementing DOT's Title VI regulations. <br />G. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), 42 U.S.C. <br />Sections 12101 et seq., prohibits discrimination against qualified individuals <br />with disabilities in all programs, activities, and services of public entities, as <br />well as imposes specific requirements on public and private providers of <br />transportation. <br />XVI. ACCESS TO RECORDS AND REPORTS <br />Contractor shall provide City, the Orange County Transportation Authority <br />(OCTA), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Comptroller General <br />of the United States, or other agents of City, such access to Contractor's <br />accounting books, records, payroll documents and facilities of the Contractor <br />which are directly pertinent to this Agreement for the purposes of examining, <br />auditing and inspecting all accounting books, records, work data, documents and <br />activities related hereto. Contractor shall maintain such books, records; data and <br />documents in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and <br />shall clearly identify and make such items readily accessible to such parties <br />during Contractor's performance hereunder and for a period of four (4) years <br />from the date of final payment by City. City's right to audit books and records <br />directly related to this Agreement shall also extend to all first-tier subcontractors <br />identified in this Agreement. Contractor shall permit any of the foregoing parties <br />to reproduce documents by any means whatsoever or to copy excerpts and <br />transcriptions as reasonably necessary. <br />XVII. FEDERAL FUNDING REQUIREMENTS <br />a. CLEAN WATER REQUIREMENTS. Contractor shall comply with all <br />applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Federal <br />Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Contractor <br />shall report each violation to City and understands and agrees that the City <br />will in turn, report each violation as required to assure notification to FTA and <br />appropriate EPA Regional Office. Contractor agrees to include this <br />requirement in all of its subcontracts. <br />b. CLEAN AIR. Contractor shall comply with all applicable standards, orders or <br />regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ <br />7401 et seq. Contractor shall report each violation to City, which will in turn, <br />report each violation as required to assure notification to FTA and the <br />appropriate EPA Regional Office. Contractor agrees to include this <br />requirement in all of its subcontracts. <br />c. BUY AMERICA. <br />1. CONTRACTOR is directed to the "Buy America" requirements of the <br />Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 (Section 165) and the <br />Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) <br />Sections 1041(a) and 1048(a) and the regulations adopted pursuant <br />thereto. In conformance with the law and regulations, all manufacturing <br />25H-15