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processes for steel and iron materials furnished for incorporation into the <br />work on this Project shall occur in the United States; with the exception <br />that pig iron and processed, pellitized and reduced iron ore manufactured <br />outside of the United States may be used in domestic manufacturing <br />process for such steel and iron materials. The application of coatings, <br />such as epoxy coating, galvanizing, painting, and other coating that <br />protects or enhances the value of steel or iron materials shall be <br />considered a manufacturing process subject to the "Buy America" <br />requirements. <br />2. A Certificate of Compliance, conforming to the provisions of this Article <br />shall be furnished for steel and iron materials. The certificates, in addition <br />to certifying that the materials comply with the specifications, shall <br />specifically certify that all manufacturing processes for the materials <br />occurred in the United States, except for the exceptions listed herein. <br />3. The requirements imposed by law and regulations do not prevent a <br />minimal use of foreign steel and iron materials of the total combined cost <br />of the materials used does not exceed one-tenth of one percent (0.1 <br />percent) of the total contract cost or $2,500, whichever is greater. <br />Contractor shall furnish the City acceptable documentation of the quantity <br />and value of the foreign steel and iron prior to incorporating the materials <br />in the work. <br />d. RECYCLED PRODUCTS. Contractor shall comply with all the requirements <br />of Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as <br />amended (42 U.S.C. 6962), including but not limited to the regulatory <br />provisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive Order 12873, as they apply to <br />the procurement of the items designated in subpart B of 40 CFR Part 247. <br />Contractor agrees to include this requirement in all of its subcontracts. <br />e. PRIVACY ACT. Contractor shall comply with, and assures the compliance of <br />its employees with, the information restrictions and other applicable <br />requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. §552a. Among other <br />things, Contractor agrees to obtain the express consent of the Federal <br />Government before the Contractor or its employees operate a system of <br />records on behalf of the Federal Government. Contractor understands that <br />the requirements of the Privacy Act, including the civil and criminal penalties <br />for violation of that Act, apply to those individuals involved, and that failure to <br />comply with the terms of the Privacy Act may result in termination of the <br />underlying Agreement. <br />FLY AMERICA REQUIREMENTS. Contractor agrees to comply with 49 <br />U.S.C. 40118 (the "Fly America" Act) in accordance with the General <br />Services Administration's regulations at 41 CFR Part 301-10, which provide <br />that recipients and sub-recipient of Federal funds and their contractors are <br />required to use U.S. Flag air carriers for U.S. Government-financed <br />international air travel and transportation of their personal effects or property, <br />to the extent such service is available, unless travel by foreign air carrier is a <br />matter of necessity, as defined by the Fly America Act. Contractor shall <br />submit, if a foreign air carrier was used, an appropriate certification or <br />25H-16