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Mr. Kevin O'Rourke <br />Page 6 <br />a set of values, long-range goals, priorities, and measures of success for the strategic <br />plan. To prepare for the workshop, the following tasks will be completed. <br />Determine workshop participants and coordinate logistics. We will meet with the <br />subcommittee to discuss who will be participating in the strategic planning <br />workshop. We will discuss logistics of the workshop, including location, room <br />setup and other aspects necessary to set the stage for a productive day for all <br />participants. The workshop will be open to the public and conducted in <br />compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act. <br />Prepare draft agenda. We will prepare a detailed agenda for the workshop, which <br />may include the following components, subject to discussion with the <br />subcommittee: <br />o Review and discuss the results of stakeholder engagement; <br />o Review and discuss the environmental scan; <br />o Reach consensus on the City's vision, mission, and values; <br />o Identify five to six goals; <br />o Identify several measurable objectives for each goal; <br />o Determine how success will be measured for each of the goals; and <br />o Determine reporting and accountability mechanisms. <br />Our strategic planning workshops are engaging and interactive and are designed to <br />ensure full participation. We use a combination of facilitation techniques including small <br />and large group discussions and typically change small groups at least once during the <br />day to mix the participants. We will prepare appropriate handouts for distribution. <br />Following the workshop, Management Partners will prepare a summary of the <br />outcomes. <br />Activity 6: Prepare Strategic Plan and Implementation Action Plan <br />During this activity, Management Partners will prepare a draft strategic plan. It will <br />contain the following components: <br />• Vision, mission, and values <br />• Five or six multi-year goals <br />• Several objectives for each goal <br />• Success indicators for each goal <br />• Reporting and accountability mechanisms for the strategic plan <br />We will review the draft with the subcommittee and make modifications based on its <br />input. <br />Once the draft strategic plan is prepared, we will facilitate a half-day workshop with the <br />EMT to create a draft implementation action plan. This workshop will be interactive and <br />J <br />25C-17