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Mr. Kevin O'Rourke Page 5 <br />Activity 2: Obtain Stakeholder Input <br />Next, we will obtain stakeholder input both from the community and from employees. <br />The purpose of the stakeholder input will be to hear opinions about the future vision for <br />the City and strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT). Options for <br />stakeholder engagement include community forums, focus groups of community <br />members, focus groups of employees, workshop(s) with the City's management team, <br />and on-line surveys for community members and employees. <br />We will create specific options for this engagement that will be within the scope of the <br />fee proposal described below, and will discuss those options with the subcommittee. <br />Once we complete the stakeholder engagement component, we will consolidate the <br />input received and prepare a summary document. The results will be presented in the <br />strategic planning workshop described in Activity 5. <br />Activity 3: Advise City on Preparation of Environmental Scan <br />Management Partners will provide advice to City staff about preparing an <br />environmental scan, including providing examples. An environmental scan identifies <br />trends that will be important in preparing a plan for the future. Data sets that are <br />typically included in an environmental scan are: <br />• Financial forecast for the City <br />• Economic indicators <br />• Local demographic trends <br />• Housing trends <br />• Legislative mandates <br />• Regional issues <br />• Other issues that may be important in the future (e.g., environmental, <br />infrastructure, service demands) <br />The results of the environmental scan will be presented during the strategic planning <br />workshop described in Activity 5. <br />Activity 4: Conduct EMT Workshop to Obtain Input <br />Next, we will facilitate a process through which EMT members will identify key <br />priorities and issues facing the City. We will create a format for EMT members to use in <br />preparing information. We will the design and facilitate a workshop with the EMT to <br />discuss the priorities and issues identified by each individual. Additionally, during this <br />workshop we will facilitate a discussion about vision, mission, values and measures of <br />success for the strategic plan. Following the EMT workshop, we will summarize the <br />results, which will be presented in the Council workshop described in Activity 5. <br />Activity 5: Prepare for and Facilitate Council Strategic Planning Workshop <br />During this activity we will prepare for and facilitate a strategic planning workshop. It <br />will include the City Council, City Manager and EMT. The workshop will be a full day <br />in length. The purpose of the workshop will be to create a vision and mission, articulate <br />25C-16