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Mr. Kevin O'Rourke Page 9 <br />planning, staff development and succession planning, organizational review, and process <br />improvement. Emily has strong analytical skills, which she applies to all types of comparative <br />research, survey analysis, benchmarking, data base development and performance <br />measurement. As a group facilitator, she is able to provoke thoughtful discussion while <br />maintaining a positive group dynamic. In this capacity she has conducted many workshops, <br />focus groups, brainstorming sessions, and process improvement group analyses to gather <br />opinions about employees' jobs and processes. She has administered numerous online and <br />written surveys and expertly provides meaningful information to clients about their employee <br />and customer experiences. Since joining Management Partners in 2005, Emily has worked with <br />local government clients throughout the western United States, including Palo Alto, Woodside, <br />San Jose, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, El Cerrito, and Rhonert Park, California; Bellevue, SeaTac and <br />Bothell, Washington; Springfield, Oregon; Salt Lake County, Utah; and Surprise, Arizona. <br />Suzanne Martin, Management Advisor, joined Management Partners in May 2010. Since that <br />time, Suzanne has performed benchmarking analyses, organizational assessments and <br />analytical research for a wide variety of projects, including user fee assessments, service <br />consolidation studies, and budget stabilization projects. Having received her master's degree in <br />public administration from San Francisco State University in December 2009, Suzanne brings <br />expertise in conducting qualitative and quantitative research. Before joining Management <br />Partners, Suzanne spent two years as a graduate student intern at the California Public Utilities <br />Commission, where she conducted business services-related program evaluation and policy <br />analysis. Suzanne is also a member of Pi Alpha Alpha. <br />Hours, Cost and Project Schedule <br />The plan of work outlined above will begin in May and be completed in November 2013. We <br />will work closely with the subcommittee on scheduling so that the process remains on track <br />with this schedule. <br />The plan of work described above will require 268 hours of consulting work to complete. The <br />total price for this will be $45,000. Of this, the FY 2012/13 contract will be able to pay for <br />approximately $5,000, leaving a balance of $40,000 to be paid in FY 2013/14. <br />In addition to this base fee, we suggest a contingency of $10,000 for additional meetings and/or <br />stakeholder engagement that may be desired by the City, particularly since the full scope of <br />community engagement has not yet been finalized. We have based our fee proposal on an <br />assumption of the following level of stakeholder engagement: one community forum, two <br />community focus groups, two employee focus groups, and an on-line survey for the community <br />and employees. If additional engagement is desired, Management Partners would be pleased to <br />facilitate a more comprehensive process through use of the recommended contingency. <br />J <br />25C-20