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PI -APG -CA -1 (01/07) <br />(3)|f the Members of the Fitness and Wellness Group have obtained replacement uovenage, or <br />have o@need, in writing, within 60 days of the termination of the Master Po|ic9, to obtain that <br />(4)Ifthe Master Policy is for a period of no more than 60 days and you are notified at the time of <br />issuance that it wfll not be renewed. <br />(5)if the Members of the Flbleea and Wellness Group request a change in the terms or <br />conditions or hoka covered by the PNoebar pu|iuy within @O days of the end of the policy <br />period. <br />8DIfwe have made a written offer to the Members of the Fitness and Wellness, Group in <br />accordance with the timeframes shown in Paragraph 3.a ebove, to renew the policy under <br />changed terms or conditions oretan increased premium naha, when the increase exceeds <br />c The transfer of a Master Policy between companies with the same insurance group orchanges in <br />Deductible, premium,, Lim�t of Insurance or coverage are not refusal to renew. <br />4. Nonrenewal of the Certificate of Insurance <br />a. If we elect not to renew this Certificate of |mounance, we vviN mail mrdeliver written notice stating the <br />reason for nonrenewal to the first Named Certificate Holder ctthe mailing address shown in the <br />Certificate of Insurance and to the producer of necord, if any, at least 60 doye, but not more than <br />120 days, before the expiration dote. <br />|fwefail hoprovide timely written notice required bvthe paragraph above, the coverage provided to <br />the first Named Certificate Holder shall remain in efeotvv�th no change in its bmmns and nondiUoms, <br />for aperiod ofOOdays. <br />b. We are not required to send notice of nonrenewal in the following situations: <br />(1) if the transfer or renewal of a Certificate of |nsuramce, without any changes in <br />tenns, conditions or robem, is between us and o member of our insurance <br />group. <br />(2) If the Certificate of Insurance has been extended for 90 days or Uess, provided <br />that noficehas been given inaccordance with Paragraph 4.m above. <br />(3) If you have Vbba�ned replacement coverage` or have agreed, in writing, within 60 days of <br />the termination of the Certificate ofInsurance, inobtain that coverage. <br />(4) If the Certificate of insurance is for a pe�ocl of no more than 60 days and you are notified <br />atthe time ofissuance that itwill not berenewed. <br />(5) If you request a change in the terms or concirtions or risks covered by the Certificate of <br />Insurance within 60days nfthe end ofthe policy period. <br />Silvia Cuevas <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />