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_i <br />�1� Riib <br />Subject: WEX Policy and Procedures <br />Purpose: To establish the policy and procedures of Work Experience for WIA Participants in <br />accordance with the OCWIB Work Experience Policies. As defined by the Workforce <br />Investment Act, Work Experience (WEX) is a planned, structured learning experience that <br />takes place in a workplace for a limited time period. Work Experiences may be paid or <br />unpaid. Work experience places may be in the private, for profit sector, non-profit sector or <br />the public sector and are designed to enable youth to gain exposure to the working world <br />and its requirements. <br />Work Experience Policy and Procedure: <br />1. The purpose of WEX is to provide the youth participant with opportunities for career exploration <br />and skill development. <br />2. A youth participant may participate in WEX once the participant has completed the Job <br />Readiness workshop series. <br />3. The participant will work closely with the Job Developer/Placement Specialist to discuss worksite <br />placement for WEX. <br />• 4. WEX may not take place during the follow-up phase of the program. <br />5. The duration of the Work Experience may not exceed 450 hours. <br />6. The wage shall not exceed $8 per hour <br />7. In school youth may only work a maximum of 20 hours per week while Out of School youth shall <br />not exceed 30 hours per week. <br />8. As an employer, OCAPICA shall maintain payroll records and time sheets for each <br />participant. Records and time sheets will be maintained in each participant's case file. <br />Work experience sites, The Community/Business Partner shall also maintain records of <br />participants' hours. <br />9. OCAPICA shall be responsible for ensuring payment to the participant. The participant <br />will submit a time sheet with hours verified by the Community/Business Partner to <br />OCAPICA on the 15th and last day of each month. <br />10. OCAPICA shall obtain and maintain workers' compensation insurance required by law <br />for participants who are placed at each Community/Business Partner site for the <br />Internships and Work Experience (WEX). <br />• <br />12900 garden grove blvd, suite 214a I garden grove, colifornia 92843 I phone: 714.636.9095 I fax: 714.636.8828 I w <br />orange county asion and pacific islander community alliance <br />EXHIBIT A <br />