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t.PA <br />OCAPICA Youth Employment Program Worksite Agreement <br />This Worksite Agreement is entered between the Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) and <br />(Community/Business Partner). This Agreement confirms the collaboration between the above agencies with <br />the Orange County Workforce Investment Board (OC WIB) Youth Employment Program, funded by the Workforce Investment <br />Act (WIA). The Community/Business Partner agrees to serve as a worksite for placement of OCAPICA's Youth Employment <br />Program participants ages 16-21. The parties recognize the following: <br />1. The Community/Business Partner agrees to serve as a worksite for placement of an agreed upon number of OCAPICA <br />youth participants. Appropriate supervision will be provided to these participants. Youth participants may be placed <br />at the Community/Business Partner's worksite for a period not to exceed 30 hours per week with total hours not to <br />exceed 350 hours. <br />The Community/Business Partner agrees to provide meaningful work experience to OCAPICA youth participants <br />meeting at least one of the following criteria: <br />a. The duties the youth will perform expose them to and/or prepare them for postsecondary education and/or <br />entry into a demand occupation and the participants career interest; or, <br />b. The primary focus of the work experience for the youth is the development of very basic workplace skills such <br />• as appropriate dress, timeliness, respect, common courtesies, and basic task completion. <br />3. The Community/Business Partner and OCAPICA staff shall maintain regular communication to assess participants' <br />progress and identify best practices and concerns. <br />4. As an employer, OCAPICA shall maintain payroll records and time sheets for each participant. Records and time sheets <br />will be maintained in each participant's case file. <br />a. As a work experience site, The Community/Business Partner shall also maintain records of participants' hours. <br />5. The Community/Business Partner agrees to provide a letter, which includes a list of tasks performed in relation to <br />participants in the Youth Employment Program along with an estimated value for in -kind and leverage purposes. <br />6. OCAPICA shall be responsible for ensuring payment to the participant. The participant will submit a time sheet with <br />hours verified by the Community/Business Partner to OCAPICA on the 151h and last day of each month. <br />7. The Community/Business Partner and OCAPICA shall each secure and maintain during the term of this Agreement, <br />comprehensive general public liability insurance of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) to protect itself against <br />claims and liabilities for personal injury, death or property damage arising from the activities of the <br />Community/Business Partner and OCAPICA respectively. <br />• <br />Updated: 11/29/12 <br />12900 garden grove blvd. suite 214a 1 garden grove. californio 92843 1 phone: 714.636.9095 1 fax: 714.636.8828 1 w <br />orange county asian and pacific islander community alliance <br />EXHIBIT A <br />