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8. After the approval of Program Director and/or Program Manager has been made, the <br />Case Manager would need the approval and signature of the Finance Director. After the <br />Finance Director has approved the Supportive Services, WIA Case Manager will obtain the <br />supportive services (ie bus passes) from the Financial Department Staff. <br />9. It is the responsibility of the Case Manager to ensure that all supportive services <br />documentation is maintained in the participant's file. This includes: the Supportive Services <br />log and Supportive Services Request form, Invoice and a copy of the Acknowledgement <br />of Issuance. <br />10. All supportive services are appropriately coded in the JTA system (activity 81). <br />Actual dates of Supportive Services provision should be reflected in the system. <br />11. Copies of the actual supportive services (bus passes, gas cards, etc) shall be made with <br />the participant's signature and date of receiving. supportive services log will be <br />maintained <br />12.If a participant receives a supportive service and fails to return the appropriate <br />documentation/receipts, no additional supportive services will be given to them until such <br />• receipts are provided. <br />13. The participant must return all gift cards with remaining balances to the WIA Case <br />Manager with the receipt. WIA Case Manager will return the gift card along with the <br />receipt to the Finance Department to maintain for the respective participant to utilize as <br />needed. If the respective participant completes the program prior to exhausting the gift <br />card, gift cards with balances will be utilized by other Participants in the program as <br />needed. <br />• <br />14. Copies of the actual supportive services (bus passes, gas cards, etc) shall be made with <br />the participant's signature and date of receiving. <br />15. Two copies of all documents will be made for 1) participant's file, and 2) for the Finance <br />Department. <br />12900 garden grove bled, suite 2140 I garden grove, colifomia 92843 1 phone: 714.636.9095 I fax: 714.636.8828 1 w <br />orange county asion and pocific islander community alliance <br />EXHIBIT A <br />