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1/28/13 <br />Note from Community Meeting for Proposed Project on 5'h Street in Santa Ana <br />Q: What are the prices? <br />A: To be determined. <br />Q: How many entrances /exits? <br />A: One. <br />Q: What is the set back to the south property line? <br />A: 10 feet. <br />Q: What are the widths of the private streets? <br />A: 34 feet. <br />Q: Is there visitor parking? <br />A: Yes. 15 guest spaces on the street and 18 in driveways. <br />Q: What is the "green area "? <br />A: Passive open space area. <br />Q: Will there be perimeter walls? <br />A: Yes. Block walls and low fence. <br />Q: Will there be low Income units. <br />A: 15% of the homes will be for moderate income buyers (5 of the 29). <br />Q: Is this project following the "normal process "? <br />A: Yes. The zoning needs to be updated to match the general plan. <br />Q: Will street parking remain on 5'h Street? There is a lack of parking in the area. <br />A: Yes. More parking will be available as there will be fewer curb cuts into the property. <br />Q: How will the drainage work? <br />A: Drainage plan will meet City requirements. <br />75 =lb Sao <br />