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770 <br />Dl' LIFT (August 7,119D) <br />AXIZ21T D <br />JAKE OMER aP8OYPI0 DSVELMM <br />MiTTGATTON MONITORING PLAN <br />EARTH RESOURCES <br />1. Grading shall be conducted by the project applicant in accordance with plans prepared <br />by a civil engineer and based on recommendations of a soil engineer and an <br />engineering geolo¢ist subsequent to.the completion of a comprehensive coil and <br />geologic investigation for the proposed structures. Permanent reproducible copies of <br />the `Approved as Built" grading plans on standard size sheets shall be furnished by the <br />project applicant to the Building Department <br />1, 7imin g of lmolemcntation/Verifcat : Prior to grading permit issuance & during <br />grading operation <br />A�ethod of Verification: Grading plan check and periodic field <br />® inspection during grading operation <br />R�,cible pamr <br />ST., Ian Check Engineer, Building Division <br />j�crification (Names ' Date* <br />2. A complete erosion study shall be prepared by the project applicant prior to the start <br />of any grading activities to minimize the erosion potential created during development, <br />and grading operations by the applicant shall be in conformance with all City of Santa <br />Ana ordinances pertaining to grading. <br />Timing o ImpiGmentation/Verifiealion: Prior to grading permit issuance and <br />during grading operation <br />Method of VeriGgation: Grading plan check and periodic field <br />inspections <br />.... , UVC2MW Check Engineer, Division <br />Veriacation •n <br />n® M u <br />