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POLICY NUMBER; ACP 7815094878 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABJUTY <br />CG 71$00804 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGE$ THE POLICY. PLEA$E RO=AD IT CAREFULLY. <br />ADDITIONAL. INSURED <br />PRIMARY AND NOWCONTRIBUTORY ENDORSEMENT <br />This endorsement modifies Insurance provided under the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />SCHEDULE <br />Name of Person-or Organization: <br />THE CriY OF SANTA ANA; WE OFFICERS, EMPLOYEE5, AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES <br />20 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92701 <br />(if no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown In the <br />oolaratfons as applicable to this endorsement.) <br />A. Section It - Who Is An Insured Is amendod-to <br />Include as an additional Insured the parson(s) or <br />organization(s) shown In the Schedule, but only <br />with respect to liability for "bodily injury", "prop- <br />ortydamage* or "personal and advertising Injury' <br />caused, In whole or in part, by: <br />1. Your acts or omissions; or <br />2. The acts or omfssfons of those acting on <br />your behalf; In the performance Of your on- <br />going operations for the additional In- <br />surod(s) at the looation(s) designated <br />above. <br />No such person or organization is an add- <br />clonal Insured for liability arising out of the <br />"products•completedoperadons hazard". <br />8, With rasped to the Insurance afforded to those <br />additional Insureds, the following additional' ox- <br />clusfonsapply: <br />This insurance does not apply to 'bodily injury" or <br />`property damage" occurring after. <br />1. All work,'Inoluding materials, parts or equip- <br />ment furnished In connection with such <br />work, on the project (other than service, <br />maintonanQu or repairs) to be performed by <br />or on behalf of'tho additional Insured(s) at <br />the location of the covered operations has <br />been, completed; or <br />CG 71 56 08 04 <br />ACP OLO 78 BOW78 <br />2. That portion of "your woik" out of which the <br />Injury or damage arises has been put to its <br />Intended use by any person or organization <br />other then another contractor or subcontrao- <br />for engaged In performing Operations for a <br />principal as a part of the same project, <br />0. The following Is SECTION III - LIMITS <br />OF INSURANCE: <br />Tice Ilmits of Insurance'appIloable to, the addl- <br />tionaf Insured are those specified in the written <br />contract between you and. the additional' Insured, <br />or the limb available under this policy, which" <br />ever are lose, These limits are Pont uof,and not in <br />addition to the limits of Insurance under this pol- <br />icy. <br />PPR( OED AS Tt9 Ly - <br />Laura A. Rossini <br />Assntant City Attorney <br />Includes copyrighted material of ISO Properties, Inc., with Its pennission. <br />LOOP 122W INSURED COPY <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />78 0040M