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CG 71 56 08 Oil' <br />D. W9h respect to the insurance provided to the When this Insurance is excess, we will <br />person or organization shown In the Schedule of have no duty under Coverages A or B <br />the Endorsement, Condition 4. Other insur- to defend the additional insured <br />grace is replaced by the following: against any "suit" if any other insurer <br /> has a duty to defend the additional <br />4. Other Insurance insured against that `sulr) If no other <br /> <br />it other valid and collaoVbla insurance Is Insurer dafands, we will undertake to <br />do so, but we wilt be entitled to the <br />available to the additional insured for a loss additional insured's:rights against an <br />we cover under Coverages A or B of this those other insurers. <br />Coverage part, our obligations are limited <br />as follows: <br />When this insurance is excess over <br />a, Prima Insurance <br />ry other Insurance, wewift payonly our <br />share of the amount of to loss, if any, <br />Ibis lnsuranoelsptimaryexooptwhen that exceeds the sum of., <br />it is excess as provided under part b., (1) Tho total amount <br />that all such <br />below. When this insurance is pct. , <br />other Insurance would pay for the <br />nary, we will not seek contribution loss in the absence of this insur. <br />from other Insurance available to the ante; and <br />person or organization shown in the <br />Schadutaai#tfsendorsement. (2) The total of all deduotibie and sett- <br /> <br />b. Excess Insttranco insured amounts under all that <br />othar insurance. <br />This insurance Is excess over. We will share the remaining loss, if <br />(1) Any of the other Insurance, any, with any other Insurance that is <br />whether primary, excess, confin- notdeserlbadIn this excess <br />gent or on any other basis: Insurance provision and was not <br />(a) That Is Fire, Extended Oover- boughtspeoitloally to apply in excess <br />age, Builder's Risk, instalia- of the Um4 of Insurance shown in the <br />tion Risk or sh tlar coverage Declarations of this Coverage Pam <br />for"yourwork"; o. MethodOf9haring <br />(b) That is Fire Insurance for if all of the other insurance available <br />premises rented to you or to the additional insured permits con- <br />temporarily occupied by you. ' tribution by equal shares, we will fob <br />with permission of the owner; low this method afro.. Under this sp- <br />(c) That is Insurance purchased proach each blstirer contributes equal <br />by you to cover your liability <br />" amounts until 4 has pall its aPPfioabie <br />limit of Insura <br />ce or bo <br />f th <br />t <br />as a tenant for <br />property ne o <br />e <br />oss <br />n <br />damago" to premises rented remains, whichever domes first, <br />to you or temporarily ocou• If any of the other insurance available <br />pled by you with permission to the additional insured does 'not <br />of the owner; or permit contribution equal shares, <br />by li <br />al <br />it <br />t <br />ib <br />t <br />b <br />d <br />U <br />(d) if the foss arises out of the we ve <br />con <br />r <br />u <br />e <br />y <br />m <br />s. <br />n <br />er this <br />maintenance or use of air- method, each insurer's share is based <br />craft, "autos" or watercraft to on the ratio of its applicable limit of in- <br />fie extent not subject to Ex- surance to the total applicable limits of <br />clusion g. of Section I - Gov- insurance of all Insurers. <br />orage A - Bodily Injury Arid <br />Property Damage Uability <br />All terms and conditions of-this policy apply unless modified by this endorsement. <br />Psgo 2 of 2 Inciudes copyrighted notarial of ISO Proporffes, inc., with its permission. CG 71 98 08 04 <br />ACP taw "taisasre Lam, 122M IaSWED copy 70 W40M