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(4) Payment of this additional JEAP shall be made by the <br />Authority to the City of Irvine In two equal payments in December and April of <br />each fiscal year, provided that the Authority has received Its distribution of the <br />SFF in such months. <br />(5) Neither Cash Contract Cities nor SFF Jurisdictions <br />other than Irvine shall receive any additional JEAP as described in this Section <br />4.13., nor will they be required to make additional payments to the Authority due <br />to these calculations or payments. Annual service charges for Cash Contract <br />Cities shall not be increased as a result of the JEAPs or additional JEAPs paid <br />pursuant to this Section 4. <br />C. Sources of JEAP Funds; Remedies; Amendment. <br />(1) Payments of JEAPs shall be made to the Over - <br />Funded SFF Jurisdictions from unrestricted revenues of the Authority (the <br />"Unrestricted OCFA General Fund Revenues") provided that the use of said <br />Unrestricted OCFA General Fund Revenues is not prohibited by any Federal or <br />State law or regulation nor would the use violate the terms or restrictions <br />contained in any grant or other agreement restricting the use of the designated <br />revenue sources. For purposes of clarity, JEAPs shall be paid from the annual <br />service charges paid by the Cash Contract Cities as well as from other non - <br />property tax sources of unrestricted funds. SFF are restricted funds and shall not <br />be used to pay JEAPs. No Cash Contract City annual service charges shall be <br />increased to pay JEAPs. <br />(2) If a legal challenge is brought challenging this Second <br />Amendment, the JEAPs shall continue to be calculated as provided in this <br />Second Amendment. The Authority shall open a separate account into which the <br />JEAPs shall be deposited, which shall bear interest at the same rate as the <br />Authority's other authorized investments, The Authority shall provide an <br />953601.1 9 <br />